CHAPTER 9: Police

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"Sh*t! Who the f*ck is firing those bullets?" I yelled shooting someone aiming his gun at us.

"I still don't know." Giovanni said taking his phone from his pocket.

"Erico protect Violet at all cost." Erico nodded and headed towards her.

"Paolo said they are the police!" Giovanni had a hard look on his face.

Usually we tried to avoid coming in contact with the police. Especially detective John's. He was on our tail, waiting for us to make a small mistake so he could see me behind the bars.

"Come we must leave the scene." I ordered and he nodded. I took my phone and dialed Marco's number.

"Boss the cars are waiting for you outside the back door." He said calmly.

"Okay good."

It wasn't the first time that something like that happens. It's always a small gang that does something to anger the police and they would come shooting at us. At these parties not only gangs and mafia's are invited, but big businessmen are also invited. Since I own a "Mercanti and Co." I would be here as a business man for the outer world, but as the don of the 'Silicy Clan'.

"Where's Erico and Violet?" I asked Giovanni as we stood next to my SUVs, with men waiting for me.

"What? Sh*t!" Giovanni said taking his phone.

Blood boiled in my veins. I trusted Erico with Violet's life, and I'm sure he'll protect her. But what if something happened to Erico? What if the police caught them?

"Well wait for 5 minutes if they don't show up we enter back. All of us!" I yelled.

"Yes boss!" They said adjusting their weapons.

"Call Paolo and ask him to track Erico's phone." I said Giovanni nodded taking his phone.

I hope more blood will be shed tonight.


"Violet!" A cold voice called me from under the table.

"Derek? What's going on here?" I asked frantically.

"Come with me Violet. I'm taking you somewhere safe. " He extended his hand and I thought for a moment.

Derek is my ex-boyfriend. He hit me and tried to kidnap me. It is a good idea to go with him? I guess not.

"No Derek I'm fine." I replied averting my eyes towards Vincenzo.

He said something to Erico and he nodded walking towards me. Giovanni was on the phone talking to someone.

"V come with me this isn't a joke." He snarled raising his voice.

"Get the hell away from her." Erico said taking my elbow and helping me to stand up.

"Enough! I'm not an object Derek. I'm no one's. I will go with Erico since he's the only one I know that hasn't hurt me. Yet. So please leave." Derek's eye widened.

"Are you choosing a mafia member over me? What do you know about him or Vincenzo? What do you know about 'Sicily clan'?"

"As much as this conversation is entertaining I must get Violet to safety. Now move." We walk past Derek and started walking towards what looks like the back door.

Thankfully the shooting stoped as everyone have evacuated the place. My hands are still trembling because of the incidents that happened tonight. One the shooting stoped, and two Derek.

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