CHAPTER 13: Warehouse

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Violet's POV

I looked at Tracy to make sure she is safe. She was bending under the seats like me and clutching her head. But she wasn't screaming. She was calm. I frowned my eyebrows.

"Tracy!" She looked at me and smiled. "What? How are you so cool with what is happening?" I nearly yelled.

"V, you are the girlfriend of the most dangerous mobster. These kind of situations are bound to happen. Remember when you told me about Gio? I told you I am ready for such an adventure." I looked at her like she is crazy.

"I don't like these situations." I rolled my eyes and screamed when the window shattered over my head.

Pieces of glass were all over my body, and I can start seeing my self bleeding.

"Tracy I am going to bleed to death." I yelled. Milanio turned around to looked at me and cursed.

"Violet, these are only scraps. You will be fine stop worrying." She held my hand and I felt safe even though we were both in the same situation.

"Okay okay. I won't die." I role my eyes. Despite her comforting words, I was still shaking.

The sound of bullets stopped and Milanio slowed the car. I looked at Tracy and she smiled. I got up and looked outside. We were in the forest, with men scattered everywhere, holding guns and weapons.

I got out fast from the car and a furious Vincenzo came out of an old warehouse. He stopped once he saw me. It looked like he wanted to smash someone's bones.

"What the h*ll happened?" He growled as he approached me. He's quick looked at Tracy didn't go unnoticed and I was glad he was making sure my bestfriend is okay.

"The back window shattered and the pieces hit Violet's body. She will be fine." Tracy said.

Vincenzo held my face in his hands gently and looked at my face. He put his thumb on my cheek and I flinched from the pain.

"Come with me." He said and I followed him.

We entered the warehouse. The smell inside was awful and is was dark despite being in the morning. There was old dusty furniture. He took me to a staircase that went down. We walked down and meet with metal door. He pinched the code and the door opened. My jaw hit the floor once I saw the inside. It was all white, with brand new furniture. There was plenty of laptops everywhere, with men and women sitting behind. The newest technology sat in front of me. I was amazed looking at it, and felt like I am in some movie.

"What is this?" I looked at Vincenzo. He had a blank face.

"Work. Come on." He said taking my hand.

It shouldn't be this comforting to hold his hand but it is. He killed and tortured with those hands, yet I let him hold my hand.

We entered a room, that looks like a hospital room. I sat on the bed and he took the first aid kit.

"It is going to burn a bit." He said.

"Yeah you have so much experience." I rolled my eyes.

"Violet, don't start." He signed.

"You pulled me into this mess! I was leaving a peaceful life, while you drugged me into the world of gun and kills. I never wanted this." I yelled.

"Sorry to burst you bubbles princess, there is no such a peaceful life. One way or the other you would have been dragged into my life." He said calmly, but his eyes were turning into slits.

He was ready to murder me on the spot, yet I wasn't scared of him. Despite everything I fell safe with him, I cursed myself for that.

"Whatdo you mean?" I asked confused.

"Derek Polanco. Your ex-boyfriend—" I cut him off. I already know the story.

"I know he is a gang member. That is why I left him. I broke up with him once he join the gang."

"That is what he told you?" He smirked. I shivered and looked at my hands.

"Yes." I said.

"He is more than a member. He is powerful and strong.  He has enemy and allies. He is not a member, he is the head of the gang. He is the leader of the black vipers." Vincenzo said looking unamused.

"No. He can't be. He is only a member." I said trying to think hard if he ever said anything about being a gang leader.

I flinched when my cheek burned. Concentrated was treating my wounds. Now I noticed how close he is to me. Our faces where inches apart. I looked into his eyes forgetting about my pain.

Why does he have to be so handsome?

"Take a picture. It will last longer." Vincenzo said and I rolled my eyes.

"So cliché." I said. He smirked.

"All done. They will fade in a couple of weeks." He said talking about the scars scattered on my face.

"Are you waiting for a thank you?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I would have had a heart attack from the shock." His smirked widened.

He stood up and immediately the heat I was feeling was gone. I was disappointed.

"Good. I would have been very happy." I said with a smile on my face.

"Oh darling that is the only thing I want in this life." He mocked and I slapped his hand.

"You are unbelievable." I said  walking towards the exit.

I walked outside not sparing a glance towards the working people. Vincenzo didn't follow me and I breath a sigh of relief. I need some online time to calm my nerves. I have already so many things on my plate, I don't need anymore Vincenzo drama. I exited the warehouse and looked for Tracy. She was standing with Gio next to our car.

The car was damaged badly. There were lots of holes on it, with a shattered window. Tracy winked at Giovanni and I knew instantly that they were flirting.

I would be happy for my friend, if Giovanni wasn't in the mafia. I don't want to drag my best friend into this mess, but after today it seems like she is already deep in it.

"Hey." She said once she spotted me. "Looks like you won't be bleeding to death." She laughed and I glared at her.

"Shut up." I mumbled turning towards Gio.

"I hope Vin finds whoever did this. This was my favorite car." He said, not even asking about if we were fine.

"Good to know you were worried about us." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I knew Milanio would bring you here safe." He shrugged.

"Do you see these scars?" I said pointing to my face.

"These tiny scratches?" They will barely be visible in 4 days." He smirked and turned to his car. " You should have seen Vincenzo. He went crazy after Milanio's call." Gio said and left both Tracy and I alone.

"Such a gentleman." I mumbled and Tracy laughed.

"This is the best day of my life." She said with a big smile.

"Oh God why do I have to encounter psychos." I faked a cry and Tracy laughed clutching her stomach.

"Very funny." She said.

"Good to know I make you laugh. No really take your time." I said annoyed and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh live a little." She slapped my hand.

I hope I don't die easily then. I sighed.

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