CHAPTER 10: Boyfriend and Girlfriend

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"Wake up!" I ignored the person trying to wake for the last 5 minutes. I was so annoyed and tired.

"Go away." I mumbled hugging the pillow tightly. Trying to ignore this person.

"Violet, there is no time for this you have to wake up. Tracy is here to see you." I jumped at the mentioned of Tracy and I turned pale.

Did Vincenzo hurt her?

Is she okay?

"Tracy? What is Tracy doing here?" I asked Greta with wide eyes.

"Boss brought her to see you. Apparently last night was bad. She's fine don't worry." I sighed in relief.

"Were is she?" I asked trying to find my slippers.

"She'll be here in ten. Boss told me to tell you that you have to act as if you are the boss's girlfriend. For Tracy's safety." She said with a clipped tone.

"What? Girlfriend?" I rolled my eyes.

"Remember for Tracy." She added and stood up from the bed.

I sighed and got up. I entered the bathroom to take a quick shower. I needed it badly. The hot water instantly relaxed my muscles. After I was done I put the towel around my body and brushed my teeth. I sighed and looked at the mirror. I looked tired and unhappy. I wonder how I will convince her that I am in a happy relationship.

With a mafia boss too.

I then rushed to tha walk in closet to put some clothes on. I took my black ripped jeans, a white off-shoulders t-shirt along with white converse, and put them on. I looked in the tall mirror and was satisfied with my clothes.

I left the walk in closet. I put on some mascara and red matte lipstick. When I was done I exited my room the to go find Tracy.

I was lost. Again. I huffed and looked right and left.

"I need a map." I yelled and frustation.

"You need a mental hospital." I turned to the left to see Tracy.

"B*tch!" I yelled and ran. I jumped on her and we both fell on the ground laughing.

"I missed you." She said. We both stood up.

"I missed you too." I replied.

"Yeah that's why you called to tell me where the hell you disappeared to." She said rolling her eyes.

"Sorry. I was a bet busy." I smiled apologetically.

"You never told me you were in a relationship with THE Vincenzo Mercanti." She slapped me on the arm.

"Ouch! Since when did you turn abusive?" I hissed.

"Since you got on a relationship with a mafia boss. You left Derek because he got involved in a gang." She glared at me.

"Life hides a lot of surprises." I laugh nervously.

"If your happy then its fine. But if your in trouble tell me. I am your bestfriend V!" I smiled at me.

"I know. And no I am in no trouble. I am in love." I cringe at the last word. Love? Haha.

"That's good then. He is indeed hot. You got the jackpot babe. Hot, Billionaire, a Boss, you are practically living a girl's dream life." She squealed and I rolled my eyes.

"That's so dramatic." I said. "Now come." I dragged her behind me not knowing were to go.

"A couple of minutes ago you needed a map. Now you are dragging me. How hilarious." She deadpanned.

"Smart. Lead the way then." She smirked and walked the other side.

"How do you know were to go?" I followed her as she said nothing.

Everything in this mansion screamed wealth. Lots of paintings of different people hand on the walls. The very expensive chandeliers that illuminated the hallways, the porcelain tiles we are walking on. The decoration and everything.

"Where's Violet?" I heard him say.

"Your boyfriend already missed you." Tracy smirked nudging me.

"Yeah. Isn't he cute?" I rolled my eyes when she wasn't looking.

"Very!" She squealed.

Typical Tracy.

"I am here babe." I said as we entered the sitting room.

All the guys were here. Vincenzo, Giovanni, Mario, Paolo, and of course, Erico. Both Vincenzo and Erico could be brothers. They literally have the same facial expressions. They are both cold,,they don't smile, if they want to show an emotion it will be anger. That's it.

"Finally. I was starting to miss you Babe." I glared at him. He smirked at me.

"Trac--." I looked at my bestfriend to see her blushing.

Wait what?

I looked around the room to see where she was looking and my eyes landed on Gio.

"Uhm Tracy?" I nudged her and she looked at me.

"What?" She looked confused.

"You are blushing." I told her.

"No I am not." She rolled her eyes.

"His name is Giovanni." I whispered.

"I was... I am not- I." She shuttered and I laughed.

My eyes caught Vincenzo's intense gaze on me. He had a smirk on his face as he looked at me.

"Violet." He suddenly said.


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