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Hello my babies!! ❤️✨


lucinee Garcia, 23 years old beautiful and young women, encounters with a 31 years old handsome and cocky business man Hayden Carlus......
As they got close day by day lucine's past traumas also discloses by Hayden .... And he get to know about the reasons behind her nightmares......

How they will help and heal each other , how they end up falling in love with each other and how she discloses the mystery of her past traumas that still haunts her .......

Let's see the journey of them, that how can they both becomes each others comfort zone .........




Lucinee Garcia


×------×------×-------×------×Hayden Carlus×------×------×-------×

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Hayden Carlus

×------×------×-------×------×Hayden Carlus×------×------×-------×

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Maybe some of you don't like the characters or the story soo feel free to comment i'll try to improve and yeah one more thing English is not my native language so if you found any grammatical mistakes then don't blame me i will eventually try to edit those .........

So be safe and happy  .......❤️🐥

LucineeWhere stories live. Discover now