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I heard someone shouting my name again and again as I opened my eyes little, I recognized the voice, it was scarls....

She was knocking the door of my room actually no she was banging the door......

I got up and opened the door she was standing there in a very irritated manner.......

She was wearing a yellow colored dress in which white little flowers was printed making her look like blossom in summer, coming till her knees, that sleeveless dress which was showing her breasts more prominently, hugged her hourglass figure which
was making her look even more sexier.....

carrying a gucci bag 'she is really rich as I am' and wearing a 3 inch black pencil heels because of which I was reaching up to her chest she is 5'6 anyway and I am only 5'2 'ahh short heighted girls problem'.......

Her wavy blonde locks resting on her chest some on her face, she was smelling like the first rain drop falls on the ground.....soo fresh and woody....

She was looking stunning whilst I am looking like a ghost with messy hair and smudged makeup

After coming back last night I was too tired to even take a bath and to get changed so I just slept on my blue colored suit I was wearing yesterday......

As I came out of my thoughts she was glaring at me , frowning her eye brows I can tell by her look that she was shocked and also at the same time looked worried and I found her questioning me....

"what happened to your neck why are you wearing bandages??"

"long story short, yesterday my way back to home i was caught by some goons and they attacked me but luckily a man saved me" i answered while tying my black locks into a bun....


she said looking surprised at the same time worried

"did you call the cops? and how are you now"

she asked me while looking at me .....

" I am okay now don't worry about me but they are dead, he shot them and I don't know what he did with them after that"

I said in a low voice but that could be heard.....

"huhh??!! fukinn really " she said looking astonished....

"yes I am not joking he really did kill him" i answered her...

"woww girl who was that man .... Is he handsome? Is he hot?"

"Tell me"

"I don't know who he is, i only know his name and yeah he is drop dead handsome and he is soo damn hot and sexyy"

I told her ...... my heart pounded as I recalled his face, his body , his voice , his scent , how he looked at me, how wet he made me just by his voice ......

"ah ahh you are blushing hard gurl are you fallen in love with him already huhh"

she said teasing me and wearing a smirk on her face and her eyes looking at me with so much fun and joy.....

"nope" I said controlling my thoughts while hiding my face...

'oh I see " she said laughing at me...

ahh this is soo fuckin embarrassing as I changed the topic to divert her attention from my red face looking like tomato and I asked her....

"Why did you come to my house so early in the morning??"

" Don't you remember what day is today and its not early miss princess its already 7:00 am and you are still sleeping"

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