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"Are you okay"

I came out of my thoughts and started looking here and there, my best friend Scarlett was standing next to me she looked tensed, there were lines formed on her forehead,.....

I answered her hesitantly, "yes, I am"......

she looked at me sighing under her breath and said "but you don't look like one, you are mumbling and it looked like you are having a nightmare"

i am having ....... But i can't tell her as i dont wanna give her a headache.....

but it's not the first time that the past i am holding back for so many years still haunts me, gives me sleepless nights.....anyway the main thing is even my bestest friend only know about my nightmares but not the cause..... i put aside my thoughts when i heard scarls asking me

" you again got those nightmares".....

i answered her lying "no, i am fine it's just work load, don't worry"......

she glared at me frowning her eyebrows and took a deep sigh under her breath and i again said assuring her and holding her hands and making an eye contact with my black to her deep green eyes

"i am really fine babe don't worry"

she knows every thing she even suggested me that i should consult a psychiatrist..... but i am not mad or sick soo why should i?

i only get nightmares and i am trying very hard to get over all of these shit i am going through and i will one day.......

Anyway i put aside all of my thoughts while standing up from my chair and took my handbag from the white table in front of me as i asked scarls , (we used to call her by this name) to lock the office door before leaving and said

"i am off "

she smiled at me and holding me into a hug, a warm feeling from her hug is enough to make me feel that in this world full of evil i still have someone who cares about me and loves me... now i am feeling much better....
Thanks to her ......

she said

"ok take care babe and don't forget to message me when you reach your home also come tommorow straight at 8:00 am, i scheduled a meeting with H&R group for collaboration"....

Our company is not doing soo well after my dad retired from the company because of heart disease.
it's been a year now and my dad's company is gradually going down, so tommorow is a big day for me and also for my company as it will decide the company's future .....

"Yeah thanks for the reminder"saying her with a smile on my face and giving her a kiss on her cheek as she does the same, i left.....


i was walking along the side of the road when cold breeze touching leaves of the trees with caresses and directly kissing my face and blowing my hair back......

I felt cold touching my nostrils and feeling of joy developed under me, giving me goosebumps....

As i walked few steps more on the road i felt a cold, masculine and powerful hand grabbing my wrist harshly and twisting it as a shot of pain getting directly to my inner core.......

My heart raced from fear and in anticipation......

When I looked back, two men towering over me, they're in casual dress with silver rings in their hands and silver chains around their neck one of them has tattoos all over his bare chest showing under his opened shirt, on his arms and neck, gazing at me in filthy manner, they have a Little but noticeable smirk coating their lips, one of them were holding my wrist soo tightly that I can't get out my hand from their hold no matter how much I tried......

As they got little close to me I can smell that they were drunk and the stench of alcohol was emanating from their body. one of them snached my bag...,..

I got soo sacred and begged them to leave me

" please leave me if you want money i'll give you i have a lot to spend on you useless people"....

Again I tried to free my hand from their hold but it didn't work as he twisted my hand more.... getting close to me just few inches away from my face i can even feel his smelly alcoholic breath on my face making me puke, he said in intense and chuckling voice

" yes i wanted money at first but i guess you are much more worthy than money".....
"Just look at you, money is nothing in front of you, you have got a nice little face with doe eyes , pink juicy lips, big boobs, nice and big tits , definition of a perfect slut"

Those two mens started laughing at me....

"let me go you scum"

i said pressing my high heels on his shoes.. he groaned from pain giving me a killing look as i used all of my force to twist his hand and giving a kick on his dick

'his poor dick aww'

Anyway he fell on ground howling from pain and cried for help whilst i snatched my bag from another scum and hitting directly to his face but suddenly i felt something sharp on my throat.....

'ah fuck it's a knife' you will be a dead meat tonight lucinee.....

He smirked and I know that it was a evil smirk, my heart was racing and a shot of pain and burning sensation I felt on my throat,....

He sliced a little flesh of my soft skin and a trail of blood wetting my throat and making it's way to my chest to my top and giving me a intense pain whilst I cried from ache....

Getting close to my ear as I felt tingling sensation in my ears, he whispered in a scaring and harsh voice

" you messed with the wrong person little girl"

giving him a glare I screamed in a chuckling voice

"let me go you fuckin idiot what do you want from me Just tell me you want right money I already told you I have got enough to give it some to beggars want it !!??"

He glared at me and said

" I will let you goo baby if you" swaying his fingers down on my chest and then up and down in a soft at the same time in a disgusting manner " if you will stay tonight with me" ...

As I heard his words I laughingly said ......

"in your fuckin dream dick ".....

Suddenly I heard a gunshot from behind directly tearing his chest apart and splash of blood spread around the road as he fell on the ground, his body lifelessly lying on the ground covered with dark red fluid and I heard another gunshot directly ripping the head of the another man and he was also shot dead at the spot......

As I looked behind in fear and confusion a man in dark black colored suit holding a gun coming towards me as his steps getting closer to me my heart was beating more fast....,..

He stopped in front of me whilst taking out his handkerchief from his pocket and he wrapped around my neck to stop bleeding....

He asked me in intense and at the same time sexiest Voice I have ever heard....

"Are you okay baby doll, are you hurt anywhere else"

uhhh I got butterflies only from his voice giving me goosebumps all over my body and my heart raced more swiftly......


Do you guys like lucinee ??
Or you like Hayden??

Give me your suggestions so that i can develop their characters more ..... Let me know your thoughts ✨🍃

And plss vote if you liked the part and do follow me for more updates !!!!

Thank you I'll post the Second part as soon as possible keep supporting my babies ❤️✨


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