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It's been a long time since I went back home. I don't like going to that house at all. My father forces me every day to come back home and live there, But neither do I like that house nor the vibes there, ' i hate it i hate it'....

if that's the last place left to live in this whole world then i would prefer to sleep on the road rather than living there....

it's just because of my dad's happiness i go to that house just to visit him...That house only reminds me of things that I have never forgotten even if I wanted to. It only serves to freshen and deepen my wounds....

I asked my dad many times to come to live with me and to sell that house but he never listened soo I stopped asking him ....

"ahhh shitt"

I pressed the brakes of the car with all of my strength and luckily it stopped only a few centimeters away from that man, otherwise God had already written the message of death for that man today....

i got out of my car furiously and went in front of that 5 feet 5 inches man, he must be 50 years old judging by his white hair , He was completely drunk and couldn't even stand properly...

I confronted him...

"what the hell don't you have eyes can't you see this big fuking car or are you blind or you have a death wish today if you have then go die in front of someone else's car not mine for God's shake"

goshh he was just smiling like an idiot, hell with these drunk man ...anyway i don't have time to waste in these type of bugs of our earth, I am already late....

"move if you don't want to die today" i said he was still smiling...

god how much dopamine has produced in his body after drinking that he is this happy... why god always me huff...

i dragged his hand and moved him away from my car and made him sit on a bench placed on the side of the road...

"for god's shake now sit here"I said to him

i went back to my car and started driving.....luckily the rest of the ride went smoothly without any drama...

"you can do this "

i took a long breathe before pressing the bell...ok let's do this, i pressed the bell opened the door , he is in apron must be cooking for me... he loves cooking and also he is the best chef for me...

"oh sweetheart you came"

he said while opening his arms for a hug

"dad i missed you a lot"

i said with my watery eyes whilst hugging him tightly, tears falling down on my cheeks making my cheeks warm and red....

"i missed you to my baby aww come inside , don't cry" whilst i came inside the house

" dad how are you doing?? are you fine?? are you taking your medicines properly?? are you seeing your doctor regularly?? and all the maids are they doing there work properly.. why are you not saying something" i showered him with tons of questions whilst holding his hands..

"shhh express train... when you let me say something only then i can answer" he laughed

"are you teasing me dad, you know na dad i am soo
busy nowdays because of my new project that i barely get time to take care of you so you have to take care of yourself.... you know na dad i only have left you and i can't bear to loose you... i love you dad"

"i know my baby come here" holding me in his arms

" dada loves you too and don't worry about me i am resting well eating well, taking my medicines properly, seeing my doctor often" he said assuring me....

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