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🎵August diaries🎵

-------- by DHARIA



Last night felt like an eternity to me. It was as if time had slowed down and every minute felt like an hour. Everything around me seemed to remind me of a particular day in my past when I was unable to save the person I loved the most. The memories of that day flooded my mind and consumed me, and the darkness covered my mind with all the hazy and unbearable emotions kept hidden somewhere in my mind but I welcomed all those emotions, pain, sounds, pleading, and Begging for mercy again and again...

"Please don't do this I don't love you, I never loved you" she pleaded

The scent of smoke and an intoxicating smell flares in my nostrils making my nose tingle from the sensations, it was dark here, really dark but a little light I can see through this small peephole.

A person was standing facing back to me, he was a big man with muscles, a black leather jacket and black trousers fitted well and blended with every curve and muscle of his body.

And next to him she was standing facing me, she told me to hide in the cupboard but I don't know why. Maybe we are playing hide and seek with him also, she told me not to come or else I'll lose but I never lost and I'll not lose this time also especially not to him.

"Then there's is no need for you to live in this world"

The words rang through my ears again and again until my body shuddered and Adrenaline rushed into my bloodstream. Tears streamed down my face, leaving a salty taste in my mouth. My feet felt numb and glued to the pile of clothes, and my hands were all sweaty.

I wanted to get out of this darkness, but I promised her that I would not get out of her. The pleading, tears, anger, and fear of losing someone dear felt all too real as I watched through the small peephole in the cupboard.


I wanted to shout at them, to convince them not to do this, but I couldn't. My feet felt numb, and my hands were slick with sweat, more tears streamed down my face.

I tried to keep my eyes open, but the pain was too much. Everything grew hazy and cloudy, the faces disappeared, and the sounds of shouting, cursing, pleading, tears, anger, and fear faded away. With a loud bang that I'll never forget, and it was all over.

"No no no ----"

I pushed back all the memories again into my mind when I heard a loud voice, pleading for mercy. Or maybe something else.

"What happened!!"
"Luci, open your eyes, Luci"

I shouted her name loud enough for her to come to her senses --- she opened her eyes with a quick force gasping for air, and tears flowed down the side of her cheeks.

Sweat is all over her face, and the fear on her face, she is scared but from whom? And why? It's the first time I saw her this scared. What happened?

"Take a deep breath, you're okay"

I patted her back while she filled her lungs with all the lost air

"Yeah like that, good girl"

Another deep breathe and suddenly she hugged me, her hands wrapped tightly around my waist-- the heat of her body transferred into me, her natural sweet and minty Cologne clogged my nostrils and her head pressed against my chest like she was telling me not to leave her, not to go anywhere, not to ask any questions just be there for her but I had so many questions in my head and I wanted to ask them all but I know she's not alright and after last night's accident, she's more scared so it's better to give her some time.

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