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🎵 Look what you made me do 🎵

___ by Taylor Swift 🍃❤️



Blood splattered all over the floor, some spots were on the wall, making pale green walls painted in red, the colour of blood, red spots going towards a room then there's something I heard, tip .. tip.. tip... water? Maybe or not. 'The bathroom!!' I moved my gaze towards the bathroom, the sound of water dripping coming inside from that brown locked door I moved as quickly as I could towards unlatching the door my heart beating fast with every step.

I unlocked the polished brown door, my hands clenched into a fist and my blood boiled with anger, red water was all around the white marble floor and kept overflowing from the bathtub which was also filled with red water, as I moved a little closer to the bathtub, my heart sank and a foreign knot formed on my stomach, my throat dried and a metallic taste coated at the back of my tongue, I looked more closely and a hand-painted red, dark red crimson dripping on the floor from it and liquefying with water without any effort, my heart sank deeper.

No no no no this can't be happening, I am not losing her because of me no, not another death because of me, not another one, I am not letting it happen again not fucking again

"FUCK!!" Ryan shouted

I turned the tap off as quickly as I could, holding my doll out of the water her soft skin touching my front, her small and fragile body fitting perfectly with my hard and stiffened body, her make-up washed from her face and her brows clenched together, her dress all drenched and hardly covering her breasts but she's still looking beautiful and I can't deny but my cock hardened, I got out of the bathroom and placed her in the bed.

I checked her nerves and a part of my heart found its peace I let out a long sigh and my tensed muscles relaxed a bit knowing that she was alive my doll was alive I tried to wake her up but she didn't, maybe because of the drug, I checked her whole body but there's no cut except in her palms there is one deep cut starting from her middle finger and ending on just above her tiny wrist, my blood boiled with anger and an urge to kill that motherfuker salvatino grew more, and I'll gonna make his death pure torture.

I covered her body with a bathrobe so that she didn't catch a cold.

"Doctor will be here in 10 minutes" Ryan told me

"Yeah!! Thanks, dude"

He nodded

"Find that motherfuker and bring him to my feet"
I told him, my fist still clenching and unclenching.

I had already murdered more than enough men and this one will gonna be so much fun as I was going to take so much time murdering him for everything he did and most importantly for touching her.


I want his blood on my hands ...


"How's she?"

" she's fine now, the cut was not that deep so there's no need for stitches but she's still weak because of the drugs and the shock so don't give her any type of stress and let her rest for a week"

"Thank you so much doc"

"Why is she not waking up"

"I gave her medicines to sleep, so she'll probably wake up in the morning, don't worry everything is fine and this is the list of ointments for her wound"

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