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__By Taylor Swift ✨🙈



It's been two weeks since I last saw her after that dessert treat of mine , she was in casual outfit that day but still looking perfect..

I kissed her hand and the tension between us was killing me .. I know that she was shocked and only I know how I controlled myself that day from bending her over the car seat and fuck her..

Only I know

I know that she likes me but something is stopping her from accepting the fact that she likes me but no worries I'll make her accept that , I'll make her beg me to touch her and she'll gonna confess to me really soon and I'll make sure of that ...

But today's the day we have to go to the party together as a couple, somewhere in my heart I am Little scared that if something will happen to her or if someone will caught her , it's really an uncomfortable feeling...

I am a fool to ask her to go to that party with me , I know that it'll only cause ruckus but still I am an idiot and I don't know why I did that why I asked her to pretend to be my girlfriend...

Ryan also asked me after that meeting ,what happened to me why am I behaving soo weird but I also don't know, I wanted her and that's it

But I also know that she is smart and strong...
That night when I first saw her, trying to fight with those thugs alone in the dark and that moment I knew that she is mine , she'll be mine but when that motherfuker touched her my blood boiled with anger , I couldn't stop myself from killing them and I don't regret it at all , they're not meant to be live in this world, they only make this world more polluted...

The first glance of her in that dim lights of street made my pant grow bigger , she was perfect in every fuking way possible, beautiful insanely beautiful, the way she carries herself, every gesture she makes , every expression of her face , her way of thinking and just everything...

The sound of door opening brought me out of my thoughts.

It's Ryan he looked very tensed and his brows frowned and dark circles under his eyes , looks like he didn't slept last night...

I asked him whilst resting my elbow on the table

"RYAN, what happened"

"Mr. Rao , for whom you're going to the party Today.. I heard that he was in China for few weeks and he fooled many investors there and stolen money from them and it was all done to take us down"

Mr. Rao was our share holder but later we found out that he was looting our company's money, so board of directors throwed him out and pressured him to sell his shares to me so now I hold 50% of the total shares, Ryan holds 35% and the rest 15% holds by other members of board ..

From then he became our enemy and doing all kinds of shit to bring us down but none of his tactics worked and will not gonna work ever.. I'll never let him do anything to my company..

"How?" I asked

"Actually, The investors' money has been transferred to a foreign account which is a fake account opened in your name, and it's a private account so it'll be hard to know the real owner of that account after that he'll gonna put blame on you for looting money"

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