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🎵Paint the town red 🎵

By Doja cat ❣️


"wake up bitch"
"Ok you're not going to wake up na fine"
"Let's give you a ride to water park"

"What the fuck"
"Scarls have you lost it " I yelled at her

Whilst I Removed all my strands sticked to my face because of damn water.....

Damn why the fuck my head is spinning like a ball or feels like someone beating my head with hammer.....

ufff and here's my best friend giving me more headache who the hell pours the whole jug of water on the person who is sleeping peacefully....

"Good morning miss Princess" she said forcing a smile on her face

I tilt my head towards the side table placed on right side of the bed to watch the alarm clock....

"It's only 8;00 am dude why can't you let me sleep more and why the fuck did you just pour the whole jug on me "

I groaned whilst streching my arms

" it's already past morning" she glared at me

" you are indeed a freak scarls, you are only one whose morning starts at 5:00 am"

"Healthy life comes with early morning and I said millions of times to you to start going gym or atleast do some yoga "

"Not in this early morning and today is Sunday so please don't piss me off" I yelled at her

"Fine bitch" she yelled back at me whilst going out of bedroom

She doesn't belong here I know the right place for her is mental asylum and I am thinking of registering her name in one of the mental asylum.... I hate getting up at the early morning and she is a morning freak ,,, she wakes up at 5 in the morning literally 5;00 am then go for joging do a 1 hour yoga session and at night goes to gym

She had always been a really very health conscious person ....

Some times she behaves like a innconet person with straight face and at Very other moment a bad ass bitch ... it's been 8 years since we're friends, I met her in high school and I still can't figure it out the reasons of her mood swings... her mood swings are way more worst than a pregnant lady

"Damn this hangover,,,, god before this hangover will kill me I'll rather kill myself "

"Want knife or poison I have both" scarls said coming to room and holding a tray with blissful smell of soup

*Poison will be less painful" I chuckled and she also laughed

" have this hangover soup " she said whilst giving me the bowl ... gosh the smell , sweet and steamy

Let's push aside all of her weird habits but she is indeed best in cooking....
She is best in everything, she is perfect in every fuking way possible...

She is a dream women of every men.... she can get any man on her knees by just a smile... the bad bitch aura she has is Everything

" it's amazing...." I said whilst gulping all the soup at once

" but how did I ended up in your house" I asked her whilst putting aside the soup Bowl on the tray kept at the side table

"You don't remember" she glared at me

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