the wrong cybertronian for the job

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Wheelie was rummaging through the detritus of the vast city on cybertron, in search of junk to sell. He was a known scavenger as Wheelie rummaged as usual, he stumbled upon an channel that broadcasted a live feed. An offer for millions of shanix - the currency on Cybertron - awaited the one who dared kill the Autobots

Wheelie looking at the offer and the amount of shanix he can get from it exited him. Wheelie runs to a broken part of cybertron where he finds another cybertronian, brains.

Wheelie: where's the old guy gotta tell you both something I saw, it's  life changing.

Brains: yeah, yeah he's in the shack, sleeping.

Wheelie: well, time to wake the grandpa

Wheelie walks past brains and opens the door to the shack to see another roommate who's in his vehicle mode

Wheelie: wake up!

He says as he hits the sides repeatedly. The front door opens as brains enters

Wheelie: hey, help me wake him up it's urgent

Brains walks to wheelie and hops on the vehicle and begins to repeatedly jump on top of it

After a bit the vehicle starts to slowly transform and brains hops off as the cybertronian starts to get up

After a bit the vehicle starts to slowly transform and brains hops off as the cybertronian starts to get up

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Que finally finishes transforming, the tall cybertronian slouching from the small shack

Wheelie explains to brains and que about the offer and shows them the screen that shows the bounty 

Optimus prime

Wheelie, brains and que all look at the screen as it slides over the autobots that they'll have to kill in exchange for the "life changing" reward

Brains: well, see ya.

Brains walks away que following soon

Wheelie: WHAT!?

Wheelie runs over to in front of them trying to convince them

Wheelie: I know prime is really strong. But think about it. The amount of shanix it could be actually life changing!

Que: but wheelie Cybertron is already almost dead what would we do with all that shanix now?

Wheelie sits there thinking for a moment

Wheelie: maybe we could use this as a way to hop off this planet, we could go to earth look for the autobots for a bit and then use that as a new home. We're going to die but do you want to die here? Now?

Que and brains look at each over a understanding passing between them

"Alright wheelie" que says  grinning "if you're wheeling us into this, let proceed"

"Alright!" Wheelie says turning around and stops "where do we accept this bounty at?"


At Megatron's base he had on his hands a group of machinery masters known as the Constructicons. Starscream, the second in command enters the room.

Starscream: the costructicons are yours to command lord Megatron. Let them end those autobots.

Megatron quickly put his plan into action, sending a covert message to the team. "Your mission is clear. Find the autobots and destroy them." growled Megatron


Sorry if some characters may be out of character now and in the future

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