the return and the Rejuvenation

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(forgot to mention that the vehicles for the new characters aren't the finalized one, that's why I don't show their image yet.)

Wheelie and Brains were still inside of que instead of looking for the autobots, instead he was glued to the screen of Brains' alt mode, watching reruns of old Earth sitcoms, radio frequencies playing softly in the background.

Suddenly, the radio’s static hum turned into a chilling voice, rippling the calm atmosphere with its harsh authority. "Que, Wheelie, Brains - report in," Megatron commanded. The order was so sudden, that the two cybertronians jumped, almost causing Brains to close himself  in surprise.  "M-Megatron? What are you doing on our frequency?" Wheelie said stammering. "Cut the chit-chat,” Megatron hissed. "I want to meet. Now."

Wheelie glanced at brains, who was back to his original form. Que switched gears, the smoke of his exhaust disappeared into the grey horizon as he sped towards the meeting point.

When they arrived at the barn wheelie and brains got out and met Megatron, He glowers menacingly at the two, each one feeling the pulsating tension. After a pause that seemed to last forever, Megatron uttered his ultimatum. "Find me the Autobots. Take this task seriously or face the consequences. Your resistance means nothing to me. Remember, I can dismantle you without a second thought." The moment lingered like a bitter aftertaste, only diffused by the arrival of Bardiel.

(Who i Imagine pulling up like this)

When Bardiel walked to Megatron, Megatron's behavior changed, showing respect, This difference in treatment seemed to add another layer of complexity to their mission but they didn't have much time to diagnose this sudden behavioural shift

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When Bardiel walked to Megatron, Megatron's behavior changed, showing respect, This difference in treatment seemed to add another layer of complexity to their mission but they didn't have much time to diagnose this sudden behavioural shift. The two jumped back into Que, wheelie telling him to just drive. Wheelie transformed and took out his radar trying to find a signal for autobots. While they drive away the constructicons arrive megatron tells them to stay until he figure out a use for them.

with their leader missing, arguments and disagreements sprung up today's subject:   Bumblebee's capabilities as a leader
Crosshair was at odds with the yellow Autobot. "Nooo way is a scout leading us, Absolutely not!" he huffed, tossing an old wheel into a pile of scrap metal. In an attempt to correct this miscalculation, Crosshair confronted Bumblebee. Their already stark differences quickly escalated to a heated showdown, the metallic clatter and clang echoing off junkyard walls. During the scuffle, lights flash as Crosshair accidentally turns on Bumblebee's radio. A garbled mix of signals and radio chatter leaked into the interstellar frequencies.

Que stops as they get a signal inside wheelie and brains looked at each other, it was the autobot signal! Wheelie excitedly calls out to Que, "Drive! Head towards the signal!" His voice was filled with anticipation. quickly turning around and hightailed it towards the junkyard.
Que arrived at the junkyard and Wheelie enters. Wheelie took out a scanner to search for the four autobots.

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