The Nemesis rising (not)

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The stormy gray clouds swelled ominously over the battlefield that was once D.C. The city that had stood strong for centuries had collapsed under the unrelenting assault of the Decepticons. Shattered buildings and smoking ruins were all that was left where laughter, pursuits, and dreams had once thrived. Now, the streets echoed with the horror of war, and the once bustling city resembled a dilapidated ghost town.
Amidst the chaotic landscape moved the military squads.

there was a deafening roar, followed by a terrifying sonic boom that shook thround. The Soldiers looked up to the darkened sky two military jets were cutting across the dense smog, their afterburners glowing white hot against the gloom. Overhead, advancing like an inevitable doom, was the Decepticons orbital assault carrier. It was an unseemly fusion of metal and terror, descending with an ominous hum. With a suddenness that paralyzed the onlookers, it released a volley of fire, shooting down the two jets in an inferno of flames. Transforming, it chased the lone survivor, particles of corrupted energy trailing in its wake.

However another spotted the ground troops and primed its weapons to unleash fury, there was a resounding thrum in the air and a massive projectile impacted with the assault carrier

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However another spotted the ground troops and primed its weapons to unleash fury, there was a resounding thrum in the air and a massive projectile impacted with the assault carrier. Loud booms split the air as dust and debris clouded the view temporarily.
From the clouds emerged Optimus Prime, his frame silhouetted against the white, hot dust. A Protoform, born in the chaos of the assault, lunged towards him only to be met with the partnered efforts of units 0, 1 and 8. Their vehicles emerged

 Their vehicles emerged

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Fall Of Cybertron And The Resurgence Of CybertroniansWhere stories live. Discover now