Battle for Washington

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The Autobots silently navigated the desolate labyrinth of Washington's empty streets. Like phantoms, they whisked through the ominous concrete canyons, from one building to the next, under a heavy cloak of secrecy. High above their terrestrial comrades, Optimus Prime donned his jetpack, soaring through the night sky rendering support from the air.

Suddenly, a purple cannon blasted the air, the shockwave slicing through the quiet and revealing the Autobots' location. Plumes of ominous black smoke rose, weaving themselves into the fabric of the night. An adversary had found them. Shockwave, manifesting in his cybertronian tank form, entered the scene.

His mechanical driller, spawned from depths unknown, burst from the subsurface, baring its monstrous maw

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His mechanical driller, spawned from depths unknown, burst from the subsurface, baring its monstrous maw.

Optimus swooped down like a mechanical bird of prey, baiting the driller away from his endangered companions

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Optimus swooped down like a mechanical bird of prey, baiting the driller away from his endangered companions. However, the Autobots soon found themselves besieged by an army of Decepticons, led by Soundwave.
"Soundwave reporting, Operation Infestation is a success, what are your commands?" Megatron responded with a pleased growl, "No prisoners, only trophies."

The Decepticons heeded the command with ruthless efficiency. Bumblebee, Dino, and Que found themselves captured, forcefully made to kneel with hands forced behind their backs, as Ratbat hovered above them, keeping a baleful watch in his drone form.

 Bumblebee, Dino, and Que found themselves captured, forcefully made to kneel with hands forced behind their backs, as Ratbat hovered above them, keeping a baleful watch in his drone form

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Optimus, seeing his companions in peril, made to rush in aid, but was halted midway as the driller's tentacles coiled around him, crushing his jetpack.
One by one, the Autobots were lined up, on the cusp of tragic oblivion. "Bee?" Que whispered, his voice trembling, "I think they're going to kill us." The fear in his voice was palpable.
Soundwave, cold and merciless, shoved Que onto the ground. "Wait, we surrender!" Que futilely scrambled away, pleading for mercy. Soundwave remained unmoved, his vice-like grip clamping Que's shoulders. "Move it," he coldly commanded, forcing Que to stumble. "Can't we talk it out?" The Autobot pleas, but Soundwave was merciless. He fired at Que. A melancholic silence lingered as Que's body exploded, leaving only his head in the forsaken ground. The once enemy turned autobot, had fallen

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