the fall of the fallen

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In the echo of their silence,

Megatron was the one to shatter it.

"You felt it, didn't you, Optimus? Cybertron's call, as potent as it is beguiling. You were drawn to it as I was. But unlike you, I dared to heed."

"No," he denied, "It was never about Cybertron anymore than it was about Earth now. It was always about you, Megatron. Whatever nobility you may have had ... it was long consumed by your overwhelming need to dominate all you see before you."

Megatron chuckled, a hollow sound echoing in the air. "Such hypocrisy from you, Prime. Your sanctimoniousness would be more impressive if we did not both know that we are both alike."

"We are nothing alike!"

"I wanted to control Cybertron because I thought I was right. You fight me because you believe you are right,"

Optimus grabbed Sentinel's rust cannon, "Your hunger for control ends tonight." Megatron raised his hand in surrender.

" tired of fighting. Even an endless war must end sometime."

"I will order all Decepticons to stand down. It is over. All this is over. Even endless war must end sometime. Our world calls, and I will devote my existence and the existing Decepticons, not to attacking you or humans. I have spent far too long destroying, and it has brought me nothing. Nothing. So I wish to try creating for a time and see if that brings me...something."

"And I am supposed to believe your words?" Optimus retorted. "After all the lies and deceit? After all the attempts to lay waste to an entire world?"

"Honestly, Prime, it is immaterial to me how you perceive this. But as the wielder of Sentinel's weapon, the choice is ultimately yours. Destroy me, if you will. However, whichever course you choose, choose swiftly,"

"I know that was a long time ago, but we were brother's once. Optimus."
Megatron, extending his hand towards Optimus. It was a hand that had once wrought destruction, yet now it was bathed in the softness of friendship.

After a moment of hesitation, Optimus did the same. Their metallic palms met in a firm shake, a testament to the peace agreement that had seemed impossible all those millennia ago. The clasp of hands was a hope of an end to their bitter deadlock.

Soon, the gravelly voice of Megatron echoed over the intercom, ordering a total ceasefire to all the remaining forces. Optimus did the same, using his own frequencies, to order the Autobots to stop.
Taken aback, the troops of both sides obeyed grudgingly, their weapons powering down and the battlefield momentarily eerily quiet.
As the forces of the Autobots and Decepticons approached, they were met with a sight that none of them had expected to witness in their lifetime. Standing side by side over the smoking husk of a defeated Sentinel, were their leaders. Optimus and Megatron, standing united in a moment of understood peace, shoulder to shoulder.

The Autobots and Decepticons exchanged glances filled with centuries' worth of distrust and betrayal.
The protest met with an outcry of agreement from both sides; a discordant symphony of resistance and rebellion. Yet, Optimus, towering above all, interrupted their clamor, his voice resonating throughout the planet's hallowed husk.

Fall Of Cybertron And The Resurgence Of CybertroniansWhere stories live. Discover now