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(Until this point I had no idea of the setting of the story)

At the very heart of the nation's capital, bathed in the last rays of a dwindling sunset, the towering silver form of Megatron unceremoniously stood at the steps of the grand Lincoln Memorial. His cold, piercing optics scanned the horizon, eyes latching onto the spectacle that was quickly unfolding by the reflecting pool. Sentinel, His headlights illuminated, pillars of immense energy extending from his back, ominously hovering above the still waters of the reflecting pool.

 Sentinel, His headlights illuminated, pillars of immense energy extending from his back, ominously hovering above the still waters of the reflecting pool

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Beside Megatron, chattering in absent-minded apprehension was Starscream. struggling to make sense of the scene unfolding before him, "How did you manage this, Megatron? Convincing Sentinel to turn against their own, it's... it's inconceivable!"

Megatron, with a smirk embedded in his steel jaws, slowly trudged up the steps. Every footfall echoed in the quiet evening, creating a chilling symphony of impending doom. "I simply talked to Sentinel through Laserbeak," Megatron replied casually, "He would do anything to restore Cybertron, even if it means tearing apart another world in the process. It was easy." Megatron knew that for Sentinel, the lingering love for their mother planet always held stronger.
After his proclamation, Megatron turned toward the historic statue, his eyes gleaming with unparalleled satisfaction. In that pivotal moment, he raised his blaster and fired. The mighty statue shattered under Megatron's attack, replaced by Megatron's imposing figure. He dropped heavily into the seat, making it his throne. Soundwave, who had scanned into a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, stood guard next to him.

 Soundwave, who had scanned into a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, stood guard next to him

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Optimus Prime arrived just as Sentinel prepared to activate the space bridge. Optimus's voice echoed in the air, an attempt to reach what once was his mentor. Sentinel Prime Uttered a soft 'forgive me' and activated the pillar.
A portal opened, connecting to Cybertron and Earth.

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Fall Of Cybertron And The Resurgence Of CybertroniansWhere stories live. Discover now