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Ratchet: they've broken through the front line!

Arcee: I've lost contact with the capital

Wheeljack: there's too many of them

The autobots are trying to hold back the seekers but it's a losing battle. A conon hits cliffjumper and pushes him back


Brawn yells before he too is hit with a canon while the three seekers continue to fire at them until one destroyed by Optimus prime

Brawn yells before he too is hit with a canon while the three seekers continue to fire at them until one  destroyed by Optimus prime

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He leaps over the explosions and finishes the other two off slamming one of the seekers down

Optimus: where's b-127?

Bee in his car form is driving towards him while firing at other seekers

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Bee in his car form is driving towards him while firing at other seekers. He runs over two in his way and transforms and kicks a seekers down to the far ground detaching its head and kicks it to another seeker sneaking behind Optimus knocking the seeker down

  He runs over two in his way and  transforms and kicks a seekers down  to the far ground detaching its head and kicks it to another seeker sneaking behind Optimus knocking the seeker down

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Bumblebee: sorry I'm late, hit a little traffic

Bumblebee says to Optimus. "Incoming!"
Bumblebee: uuh Optimus.

Bumblebee says as he and Optimus see soundwave drop from the sky shockwave and starscream following soon

Bumblebee says as he and Optimus see soundwave drop from the sky shockwave and starscream following soon

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Soundwave: Decepticons, attack!

Optimus backs away a bit, fear in his eyes

Optimus: autobots fall back! Get to the tower

Optimus starts to fire at the squad as a distraction as the other autobots run to the tower

Shockwave: destroy the launchpad, let none escape!

Starscream and the seekers hop off the edge and transforms into their jet forms

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Starscream and the seekers hop off the edge and transforms into their jet forms. Heading to the autobots

(At the launch pad)

Optimus: Cybertron has fallen. Get to the escape pods.

The seven autobots all run to their designated escape pods

Optimus: there are other autobots scattered across the galaxy. We must reach them if we hope to survive

Bumblebee: Optimus this is our home we have to fight for it

Optimus looks up and sees the seekers flying overhead

Optimus: we will fight on, I found a planet that's well hidden, EARTH you will travel there and establish a base for us, once we gathered the others we'll join you, you must protect the planet if the decepticons find it. Then our people are truly finished, now GO!

Bumb gets inside of his escape pod as the seekers rockets blast down the launchpad

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Bumb gets inside of his escape pod as the seekers rockets blast down the launchpad

Optimus: good luck soldier I'll buy you some time.


First time writing so if you don't like the writing here. Then I'm sorry cause that's how it'll be the rest of the book

Also I image soundwave in his fall for Cybertron design

Also I image soundwave in his fall for Cybertron design

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Fall Of Cybertron And The Resurgence Of CybertroniansWhere stories live. Discover now