13 - tardy

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The next morning started more chaotically than usual. Izzy had barely any sleep because of her lovely roommate who played video games with Amy until 3 am, and she was devastated because of that, especially when she had to wake up at 7 am for school.

"How do you manage to do parties when you can't even work properly without going to bed before midnight," Robin scoffed, pouring a hot coffee for both of them.

"I want one too, come on," Seungmin spoke up, making Robin do one coffee for Seungmin too.

"Because when we go out I at least get to sleep till lunch the next morning!" Izzy sighed, taking her coffee right away. "You're buying me one more later," she proclaimed. "I want an iced caramel macchiato from Jisoo."

"Can't we just skip school today?" Seungmin suggested, seeing the look on Izzy's face. "Hey, don't look at me like that. I am here thinking of our opinions because you look like a shit today."

"Well thank you," Izzy rolled her eyes. "We're not skipping. I don't understand what we're doing in science, and I need to figure it out today to get an A on our next test."

"Nerd," the purple head scoffed again.

"Says you."

"I still don't understand you," Seungmin sighed, shaking his head over his best friend. She was an E class student, and she didn't want to leave the class, so why was she demanding to get an A on her every test?

"You'll understand when you get older," the brunette grinned.

"You're literally younger, bitch."

"Okay, rude!" Izzy laughed, punching his shoulder in a somewhat playful way.

"How's that rude?" Seungmin questioned confusedly. "I am just spilling facts."

"As always," Robin nodded, making Izzy roll her eyes again.

"Whatever, once I finish my coffee we're leaving. We're already late." 

And they were. Once Izzy and Seungmin finally got to their class it was already thirty minutes into the lesson, making the teacher take away some of their points. Neither of them minded that, they couldn't care less, but what they did mind was some of the boys from their class sitting in their place, meaning Izzy and Seungmin had to sit all the way in the front.

"We should have just skipped," Seungmin muttered, putting his bag on the table.

"Yeah," Izzy sighed, sitting down next to him. She hated sitting in the front, but she really needed the A, so she would probably come here even if it meant the teacher would have an eye on her the whole lesson. 

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