34 - midnight walk

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midnight walk 

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midnight walk 

"What's your deal then? Why try so hard to destroy your whole reputation and academic archives? For nothing? I strongly doubt that," Hyunjin asked as the two of them walked away from the school building, just wandering around.

"I don't like this school system," she answered casually, not really carrying. "The points, the way a person gets put into a group just based on his scores and behavior is stupid. I am a great example of it. I can be as smart as I want, but if I don't do things like they want me to, they will pretend I don't exist because they don't want to deal with me."

"They appreciate you way more than me, Izzy," he interrupted her.


"You don't see and hear the things I do. Because you decided to fight the school system by getting yourself into trouble you don't know everything like you think you do," he explained. "All the teachers are talking about you. You are always one of the best when test scores come out. They are glad they have you."

"Is that what they think, or what you think though?" She wondered, stopping mid-walk in front of him. She turned around, facing him now, waiting for his answer.

"Does it matter?"

She thought for a second, a smile appearing on her face before she nodded. She wasn't going to let him win so easily. "It does, yeah. Depending on your answer I might thank you, or something," she smiled, so innocently it was making him go crazy. Hyunjin could swear he wanted nothing more than to kiss her lips at that moment.

She tilted her head to the side, looking up at him as she waited for his answer, again. "Stop that," he proclaimed.

"Stop what?"

"You know damn well what you're doing, Izzy," he answered, not taking his eyes off of her. "The look, the head tilt, the way you speak. And you still want to tell me you don't like me?"

"I don't like you," she said casually. And before he could even open his mouth to interrupt her, she started speaking again. "Not yet at least."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked confusedly.

"Figure that out yourself, prince," she smirked, turning around again.

"You really," he scoffed, unable to hide the smile on his face. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn't stop smiling. "What if I tell you I am the one who thinks you're an absolute genius? What if I am glad you're here?" he called after her when she started walking again, leaving him alone in the back.

"Catch me and you might find out," she glanced at him. 

She chuckled when she saw the look on his face. He didn't think she was being serious, and had no idea what to expect from her, but the moment she started running away all his thoughts disappeared and he started running after her.

It felt like something he should have done a long time ago. Run after her.

Izzy laughed, better than she did in a while now. She was having fun in her daily life, and she loved spending time with her best friends, but there was something about the moment that made her feel like this was going into her best memories.

It wasn't like she would love being chased by a man, it definitely wasn't like that, and if anyone even suggested that she would most likely start a fight, but somehow, for some reason, she didn't mind it when it was Hyunjin.

And Hyunjin could agree with her on that. At first, he kept wondering what had gotten into her, and why the hell he was following her even though it was completely crazy, but he slowly started realizing he was having fun, too. It felt nice to finally be able to relax and stop thinking about school.

He felt grateful to her for it.

"Shit, sorry," he apologized quickly when he managed to bump into her and they both fell down on the ground. However, his worries disappeared soon after when he saw her just laughing under him.

His lips curved into a smile as he watched her. He had to admit, this was the prettiest she has ever been. "You're cute," he mumbled, not even realizing he said it out loud.

"I bet you want to kiss me right now," she teased him, making him look away. "You're kinda cute like this too," she admitted to make him feel better.

"Whatever," he muttered, getting up. His first thought was to help her stand up too, but he was too embarrassed to even look at her at the moment.

"What was that even for?" Hyunjin asked. Izzy chuckled again, standing up from the ground. "If you really want to be with me you need to learn more about me, and that includes being aware of things like these," she explained as she swelled her pants.

"So I should know that you're crazy? I think I've figured that out already."

Izzy rolled her eyes at him, nudging his arm. "Says you."

"Do I need to remind you this was your idea?"

"Acting as if you didn't enjoy it too. I saw you laugh before."

"That was just your imagination," he proclaimed, breaking their eye contact again.

"Whatever you say, prince," she laughed. 

Izzy—oop, look who's flirting 🤭 

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oop, look who's flirting 🤭 

Next chapter coming soon 
35 -  together like this 

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