062: A Little Bit Of You

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"Was it just me or were those 'roles' we got very pacific?" Alice asks

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"Was it just me or were those 'roles' we got very pacific?" Alice asks.
Summer, Alice, Stephanie and Haliee were sat around a table. It was ten minutes till Channing got there, and they needed to go back to rehearsal in five.
"Yeah, they were very pacific." Summer agrees.
"Well, at least we know how to play them." Haliee says. "We just have to make it more intense."
"Why do you always have to look on the bright side?" Stephanie asks.
"This will paint us out to be bad people." Summer adds. "Ellie and Emmy are lucky they don't have to be apart of this crazy Carlos scheme."
"Talking about Ellie and Emmy, they seem close." Alice says.
"Yeah, it's nice. Ellie has finally made a friend who is into the same thing as her. She has friends but none of them are interested in the same thing." Summer says.
"She seems happy here. Does she know about..." Haliee starts.
"No. I'm telling her soon. Just, not right now." Summer says.
The other three nod in agreement.
"We should probably get back to rehearsals." Stephanie says.
"Yeah, let's go." Alice agrees.
They all grab their scripts and bags, before walking back to the barn.

Carlos had decided to run a fake slapping workshop.
As the girls walked in, Summer spotted Ricky and Landon up on the stage trying to fake slap each other.
"You have to like, clap." Ricky tells Landon.
"Okay. Yeah." Landon says.
Ricky and Landon then go to fake slap each other at the same time. Landon then fake slaps him and Ricky claps to make it sound like he actually did slap him.
"Well, this looks super fake." Carlos says.
"I'm open to notes." Ricky says.
"Same." Landon says.
"I can hit him for real." Ricky says before going to hit Landon for real.
"Thank you. no Safety first." Carlos says, stopping Ricky. "Think of it as actors. Try this. Landon, you've stolen the women Ricky loves."
"Uh, you mean, Summer? because she's Landon's girlfriend. So she stole her. Or would have stolen her. In the fake scenario." Ricky says.
"Summer's told you multiple times, dude. Me and her aren't dating." Landon says. "We're just friends."
"Yeah, the way especially you look at her says something else." Ricky says.
"You know what..." Landon says.
"Okay!" Carlos cuts in.
"Yeah, I like it. You've held the torch for her for years and sometimes in this fake scenario, you pretend to get lost with her in the woods, and then it's weird because she's in love with me here at camp." Landon says.
He goes to continue but get cuts off by Ricky actually slapping him.
"Did I do it right?" Ricky asks.
"It's pretty convincing, yeah." Landon says.
"Found my motivation." Ricky says.
Summer who had been listening to the whole thing looks at the two of them confused. More at Landon for saying she was in love with him when she wasn't in love with him at all.

Summer was now stood on the stage with the others actors as EJ and Val talked to Channing who had just arrived.
"Everyone give a warm welcome to Channing." EJ announces.
"Pretend I'm not here." Channing says.
"No welcome for Channing." EJ says. "Ellie, Emmy, Carlos. Places for 'A Little Bit Of You' please."
"You got this." Summer says to Ellie, as they do their handshake.
At the end they link their pinkies and kiss their thumbs before Summer lightly taps the back of Ellie's hand pushing her towards the stage. Everyone sits down on the chairs, Summer and Alice lightly laugh at Carlos in the Olaf costume as the music starts.
"You know, there's a recipe to making a proper snowman?" Emmy says.
"Really?" Ellie asks.
"Uh- huh." Emmy replies.
The two then start throwing fake snow.

(Ellie, Emmy, Both)

A little bit of you
A little bit of me
A part that loves to dream
A part that swings from a tree

A little like me
A little like you
A part that's nice
A part that's naughty, too

The two girls then puts the bucket of fake snow down and starts dressing Carlos more like a snowman.

A loyal friend who is there no matter what
A big round belly
And a big bouncy butt
He'll love warm hugs and the bright sunlight
And he'll really love the summer
But he'll melt
Yeah, you're right

So we'll build him back together
Yes together that's the key
Cause he's a little bit of you and me

Summer and Alice hadn't stopped lightly laughing at Carlos. When his fake carrot nose got knocked onto his forehead by the scarf the two girls put over his head, Summer and Alice had to put their hands to their mouth to quieten their laughter.
"Mmm- mmm. Okay. Stop, stop. Turn on the lights." Carlos says, having enough of the fake snow being thrown on him. "Um, I'm sorry, is this suppose to be fake snow?"
"Olaf, you can speak." Ellie says awkwardly, but also trying to sound excitable.
"Not to instigate anything here but this looks like sea salt." Carlos says.
"Did I take the wrong prop?" Emmy asks.
"I tried my best, okay." Maddox fake cries.
"You guys, my head isn't a funnel. Can we try and aim for my feet next time?" Carlos asks.
"Are we being punked?" Ellie asks.
"At this point, I'm literally a margarita." Carlos shouts.
"Were Ellie and Emmy at the meeting?" Stephanie asks.
"Ellie came, but toke one look at that board and dipped." Summer answers.
"So they have no clue what's going on?" Haliee asks.
"Nope. Not a clue." Summer says.
"Okay, why don't we take a break from this scene and do a scene with Elsa and Anna." Val suggests.
"Go get them." Alice says encouragingly as Summer grabs her script.
"Wish me luck." Summer says.
Once the stage was clear Summer and Kourtney walk on. They decided which scene before turning to the front.
"This is nice, Elsa. Us talking." Summer says.
"Yeah, it is." Kourtney says.
"Maybe we could do it more often?" Summer asks.
"Oh my gosh." Kourtney says under her breath, before closing her script. "I'm so sorry. Can we cut? Are you really gonna deliver you're line like that?"
"Oh, if you want to talk line readings..." Summer says.
Summer turns to grab a cup of water she had seen on the side literally a second ago but freezes when she doesn't see it. She turns around only to have the water thrown on her. Summer looks at her confused but Gina mouths ;Sorry' before turning to the camera.
"Don't get me started." Gina says before walking of stage.
Summer fake scoffs before walking off stage to get dried off.

Once Summer was dried off she walks back onto stage as Kourtney had come and told her they were doing the Anna, Kristoff and Han scene.
Summer walks onstage pretending to bump into the kart of ice.
"I'm sorry. So sorry." Summer says with a small laugh.
"Oh, no. Are you okay?" Jet replies.
"I'm fine. How embarrassing." Summer says. "I..."
"Director. I don't get Han's. He's kinda lame." Jet says. "Can we get him to be rougher or something?"
"Are you questioning me as a director/actor?" EJ asks.
"I think that's maybe something I would do." Jet says.
"Let's keep going." EJ says.
"Hi. Can I ask you lovebirds something?" Ricky asks.
"Lovebirds?" Summer asks laughing. "No. We've actually never met."
""But we're meeting now." Jet says in a low voice.
"Yeah, we are." Summer says, slightly confused.
"Great. Do you like cold drinks?" Ricky asks.
"Very much." Jet says in a low voice again.
"Dude, what are you doing with your voice?" Ricky asks.
"I don't know but it hurts." Jet replies, normally and quietly.
All of a sudden Maddox starts fake crying causing everyone, including Channing to turn to her.
"It is so hard to see my man with another lady." Maddox fakes cries, causing Summer to try to not laugh as she knew Jet and Maddox were actually siblings.
"Ugh, what a baby." Kourntey says as Maddox walks to the other side of the stage, still fake crying.
"well, that's a little judgy." Carlos says.
"Well, you're a little loud and excitable man." Kourtney responds.
"What are you going to do about it?" Carlos responds. Kourtney then lightly smacks Carlos. "Ow, my face. I've been slapped."
The group then decide to take a break to 'cool off' after everyone that just went down.

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