Gone because of me

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When I looked up, all i could see were that trees and all around me were still trees.

I started to walk through the forest with no clue where I was headed.I tryed to use My power and teleport to my house but something was channeling it and about all I could do was dissinagrate a rain drop evry hour.

I tried to retrace my steps, but I couldn't remember what I was even in the forest for in the first place. Something was off, but I couldn't quite tell what, so all I could do was keep walking.

Hours passed, and I was starting to get dizzy.. I felt high and sick.."What the hell?" I said, but I didn't even recognize my own voice.
I saw something in the corner of my eye and is looked yellow,bright yellow with a bit of red at the top almost like...I don't know I don't remember anything I think I forgot my name..

I kept seeing glimpses of the bright yellow thing, and at one point I thought I saw a whole view of it.

I thought about walking up to it one day, so I did.."Hello? Who are you?"I asked it
But no response... I got closer until I realized... it was fake.. I stumbled backwards and fell into a steep hole as

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