23. Bloodbath

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"It's the Reaper. He is in Downtown with this cosmic ball." Cisco informed as Barry zapped into his suit.

"I am on it."

"But wait Barry, we don't have a-" Cisco sighed, feeling the wind blow his hair. "Plan." He completed. 

"Did Barry leave?" Caitlin came rushing in.

"Yeah, just did." Cisco replied being distracted as he monitored Barry GPS.

Flames engulfed the entirety of Downtown. People scattered everywhere, screaming for their lives, seeking refuge. In the middle of it all stood Grim Reaper twisting his fingers and constructing a cosmic ball filled with interconnected cosmic energy that glowed almost as bright as the sun as it grew in size.

"Holy mother of God." Cisco gasped, watching the cosmic ball grow massive.

"How is he doing that?" Caitlin asked.

Barry skidded to a stop in front of the scene. The small area occupied by the Reaper nearly blinded him. He immediately zapped the surrounding citizens to a safe distance and returned back to the his previous spot. Next, he scanned the surroundings and noticed the Reaper's scythe buried half-way in a planter nearby and continued to tremble the more the Reaper chanted.

"Guys, I think it is the scythe." Barry informed, moving towards it.

His hands were inches away from the metal when the Reaper swiftly turned, extended one of his hand, and directly some of the cosmic energy to his scythe. Barry immediately got electrocuted and was thrown into a building on the other side.

"His heart rate is dropping." Caitlin announced.

"We have to help him." Harry proposed.

"I am opening a breech. I will pull him out. Frost and Ralph can distract the Reaper until Barry gets back." Cisco jumped up from his desk.

Caitlin transformed into Killer Frost and Ralph suited up.

Barry's POV.

My entire body felt heavy and limp. My vision blurred as the fire started to spread even more. I tried to push myself up but dropped back down. Just then, I heard a whoosh on my right and blue light blinded me. Multiple hands grabbed me and pulled me upright.

"Shit man. You are whopped." A familiar voice hazed in my brain as I felt Cisco lift me up so I could lean against him still on the ground.

My concussion started to wear done and I could make sense of things again. I watched as Frost and Ralph charged towards the Reaper. Frost strategically maneuvered her way to buried scythe, but Ralph went in head first to the Reaper. Extending her hands, Frost pushed out a heavy stream of ice, freezing the metal and stop it's shaking. And as if the Reaper sensed the disruption, he smacked Ralph on the floor with a mere flick of hand. Next he strolled towards Frost where the frozen scythe began to shake uncontrollably again. My ears started to buzz, blocking out all the external noise. I felt Cisco shake me but I could not respond even if I wanted to, because I could not bare what was about to happen in front of my eyes.

Reaper extended his palm towards the trembling scythe which flew past Frost landing straight in his hand. It happened so fast that she startled, and turned swiftly to face him standing mere inches from her. I blinked and the scythe went straight through her and coming out from her back. Reaper lifted the scythe with Frost's body attached to it, blue cosmic rays surrounded them forming a forcefield. Then, the Reaper roared. As the bright light dimmed, I watched her body drop to the hard concrete with a thud. The scythe covered with blood from the top to bottom as if the whole staff went through her.

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