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Firstly, i wanna tell the one who posts and spreads negativity saying this is not them.

I do know that, this is not them in real life.

This is just a fiction and I would recommend you to read it as a fiction and not take anything close to your hearts.

I do love sidnaaz, and adore them to moon and back.

Think before spreading something bad because I already posted regarding the mature content and foul language sometimes...

So even I don't like spreading negativity for them or posting something bad about them...

So, I would kindly recommend you to not post bad comments or spread negativity here on my page.

If you don't like my content, then please don't read it and please move on.!!

As this is my page,


My page!
My rules..!!

Hope you would do as said.

To the one's who like my content, you guys have my heart ❤️

I thank each and every one for reading and liking my content.

And also it will be really helpful, if you comment about ur views regarding the chapters..

~Love love 💓

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