Chapter 30

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Shehnaaz's POV

I LEAVE WITH THE GUARD AS MY HUBBY insisted to bring with me standing outside the mostly empty restaurant as I find my father sitting at a table in the back corner. I lean over to kiss his cheek before taking the seat across from him. “Father.”

“Hello, daughter. How are you?”

I smile at the waitress that stops at our table and order some wine and a salad. “I’m okay. What am I doing here?”

He grins, his dark eyes glaring back at me over his own glass of wine.
“I’m not allowed to want to have lunch with my adult daughter. To catch up?”

“I suppose,” I sigh, taking a sip of wine the waitress leaves in front of me.

“How’s married life? You’re not pregnant yet?”

“Not yet, no. And it’s great.”

He scoffs, shaking his head as he leans toward me. “Everyone knows your husband was seen with a call girl just last night. Are you not satisfying him? You’re too inexperienced…”

“It’s none of your business what happens in my bedroom between my husband and me. And you shouldn’t believe all the gossip you read!” I roll my eyes, quickly finishing the rest of my wine and slamming the glass back down. I see my father share a look with the waitress as she comes to take it away, coming back with a new one. “Thank you.”

“Fine.” He waves his hands as I take another sip of wine. “You must be happy about Carrie.”
I scoff with a shrug. “Happy a baby is dead? Not exactly.”

“Come on! Now you don’t have to worry about another woman having your husband’s baby.”

I swallow down another gulp of wine apprehensively as I watch him.

“What did you do?” He only shrugs as I groan. “And how were you able to pay back Sidharth so quickly? What did you do? Did you kill Carrie?”

“Yes. That was a wedding gift for you. Though I’m not sure really of the point…” His voice trails off as my heart thumps so loudly I can hear it in my head.

“What do you mean?” I grab my handbag from the table, pulling my phone out as someone comes up to take it out of my hand. “Give me my phone! I want to check in with Matteo. He was hurt last night.”

My father shakes his head. “I’m sure he’s fine. I command your full attention.”

“Okay…” I glance around as subtly as I can, noticing we’re alone in the restaurant beside the staff and a few guards. “What am I doing here?”

He smiles at the waitress as she brings him a plate of pasta and sets a salad in front of me. He grins, taking a large bite as I pick my own food.

“Well, you messed up what I had with Sidharth.”

“You tried to steal from him. He would have killed you right there if I hadn't spoken up. He’s not stupid.”

He laughs at this, taking another large bite. “He let you come here alone, didn’t he?”

I swallow hard, chuckling as I take a small bite. “Come on. You don’t believe that do you?”

He looks around the restaurant with a shrug. “You mean that one guard outside? I wouldn’t worry about him.”

“What did you do?” I set my fork down, finishing my glass of wine as he watches.

“It’s good you finished the wine; it will make it easier. I’m sorry.” He purses his lips as I stare at the empty glass in front of me. I drink the water beside it as he only laughs across the table. “Water won’t do anything now.”

“What did you do?!” I leap to my feet, stumbling slightly as I lean my hands on the table. “What did you give me?”

“A sedative. I needed to pay back Sidharth somehow.” He sighs, standing up, but staying on the other side of the table. “Megan is too soft. She’d never survive.”

“What? Survive what?!” I bring my hand up to my head with a groan, my heart pulsing loudly in the front of my head.

“Thank you, Antonio. I can take her from here.” I hear a familiar voice behind me as someone touches my lower back.

“And Dante will know it was me?” My father asks whoever is behind me.

I flinch away from whoever it is, stepping to the side only to stumble to my knees. Someone pulls me to my feet with a chuckle. “Dante will know where he got the pretty gift. Don't worry."

I glance up to see Zack grinning down at me, motioning to some men to grab me. “Sidharth  will kill you.”

“Sidharth can try, little one.” He laughs as I feel a pinch on my neck, falling back into someone’s arms as everything goes black.

SMALL CRIES FILL MY ears as I groan, shivering, my back sore. Everything is black when I open my eyes and sit up, waiting for them to adjust. When I do, I realize I’m in some sort of small cage. “What the…” I run my hands down the front of me, realizing I’m in only a
bra and panties with my ring missing. There is crying to my right as I see a small frame huddled in the corner of another cage. The small girl has her knees pulled to her chest, sobbing. “Hey, it’s okay, sweetie. What’s your name?”

The small girl lifts her head to me, a small voice filling the otherwise quiet room, “Lizzie.”

“How old are you, Lizzie?”


She sniffles as I groan, my heart plummeting to the floor. “Do you know where we are? Is there anyone else here?”

“No…” she moves slowly to the edge of her cage, closer to me. “There was another girl, but they took her out before they brought you down here. We’re in a basement somewhere.”

“Fuck…” A loud knock sounds out from above us as Lizzie shuffles back away from me to the other side of her cage as footsteps approach…


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~Love love💕

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