Chapter 15

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Shehnaaz POV:

I TURN AROUND IN the kitchen to Lorenzo on the morning of the party. “So, I hired a new maid. She’s in her 60s, so I hope Sidharth can keep his hands to himself.” Lorenzo laughs as I continue. “And I hired a few extra helpers for the day for the party.” I step toward him, away from the rest of the people shuffling around the kitchen. “And you’ve been avoiding me for a few days now. In fact, I’ve sparsely seen my husband as well. Where is he, Lorenzo?”

He motions his head for me to follow him. I follow him to the study, where he closes the door behind us. “Sidharth ran out for an errand; he’ll be right back. And… I have been avoiding you, yes.”

“Has my husband been avoiding me?”

He takes a step toward me, cradling my cheek in his hand. “I can only speak for myself.”

“Okay,” I whisper, leaning into his touch as I take a step toward him, resting my hand on his chest. “You don’t flinch when I touch you anymore.”

“No,” he agrees, dipping his head down to kiss me. “You look beautiful today,” he murmurs against my lips. He clears his throat, removing his hand. “The house will be full of people. Sometimes it’s too much for me. So, if you can’t find me, I’ll probably be in my room.”

“Anything you need is fine, Lorenzo. Now, what’s going on here?”

He sighs, shaking his head. “I don’t know.”

My phone dings, and I pull it from the pocket of my sundress. “I get notifications for when Sdharth is seen out.” I pull up the sighting and show it to him. “Who is that woman he’s having lunch with? That’s just the other day when you said he had a meeting. You lied for him?”

“No!” He grabbed the phone, looked at it with a groan, and handed it back. “I didn’t lie. He had a meeting with her.”

“And who is she?!”

“Who is whom?” Sidharth steps into the room, glancing between us as Lorenzo takes a few steps back, putting distance between us.

I show him my phone. “You lied to me!” I push him back as he groans and ushers Lorenzo out of the room. He closes the door behind him, looking back at me. I smell him, his breath laced with whiskey already. “Are you drunk? It’s 10 a.m.!”

He sighs, handing my phone back to me. “I’m fine. And that is my ex, Carrie. We had a meeting. I didn’t lie to you. I haven’t hooked up with any other women, Shehnaaz. Can we not do this today? I promise I will tell you everything later. Okay?”

“Your ex? How long ago was she your ex?”

“I broke up with her a month before we got married.”

“Do you still love her?”

Sidharth laughs, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I never loved her. It wasn’t like that. I broke up with her because I didn’t trust her or her family.”

“And then you married me a month later? You don’t trust me. You don’t even know me.”

He shrugs dismissively. “I do trust you.”

“Because I’m young and naïve, and I’ll do whatever you say?”

“Yes! I trust you because you have no pieces in the game. You’re a fresh start. I trust you because i believe won’t deceive me. I trust you to choose me over your father and your family. I couldn’t expect that from her.”

“Sidharth,” I step forward to rest my hands against his chest as he sighs and brings a hand up to run through my hair. “I would pick you over my father and my family. But how can we present a united front if I don’t know what’s going on?”

“I know.” He moves his hand to my cheek, stroking his thumb gently.

“I’m sorry. I promise I will tell you everything. After the party. I haven’t even told Lorenzo yet.”

“Is it bad?”

He groans, leaning down to rest his head against mine. “It’s not great. But after the party. Come on.” He stops at the door and turns back to me with his hand on the handle.

“You’re close to Lorenzo.”

“Yes.” I swallow hard as he inspects me but doesn’t say anything. He just turns away from me and motions for me to enter ahead of him. He grabs my hand as people begin to arrive for the party.

He stops in front of an older man, kissing his cheek. “Zack. Nice to see you.” He tenses slightly beside me, not releasing my hand. “This is Shehnaaz, my wife.”

The older man grins widely at me, leaning in to kiss my cheek. “I’m Uncle Zack. You are a beauty, for sure. Still in the honeymoon phase?” He winks at me as Sidharth pulls me back slightly.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr.Zack. There is food and drinks set up outside. And servers are roaming around if you need something. Just ask.”

Zack nods, and Sidharth leans down to my ear as he walks away.

“Do not find yourself alone with him. He is not a nice person.”

“Then why invite him? Why have him around?”

He sighs, shaking his head. “He’s family. I…It’s hard to just cut off family.”

“Whatever.” I roll my eyes as I watch my own family saunter in as if they own the place. I hear Sidharth groan beside me as I release his hand to greet my father. “Father.” I lean up to press a kiss to his cheek as he smiles. I nod at my stepmother and sister. “ Please, help yourself to something to eat. And the pool is open.”

Megan( My step sister)  squeals, clapping as Sidharth rolls his eyes. He leans toward my step mom . “Enjoy yourselves.” He sighs, turning to me after they wander to the backyard. “I have a charity gala tomorrow night for a charity I head. Would my wife like to come with me as my date?”

“She would!” I grip the lapels of his suit jacket as he chuckles. “Do I get a pretty dress?”

“Yes. I expect you to look like a true princess on my arm.” He grins, cradling my face in both hands as he leans down to kiss me hard.

“I’m sorry I’ve been distant the last few days. I promise I’ll make it up to
you. For now, let’s take care of our guests.”


So that was the next one..!

Hope you guys liked it.

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~Love love💕❤

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