Chapter 3

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Shehnaaz POV:

WHEN WE RETURN HOME, I put on a brand-new bikini and grab a towel from the bathroom. I walk downstairs to the back patio and see Lorenzo before he sees me. His chest and shoulders are covered in tattoos as he pulls himself out of the pool in a black speedo. He doesn't see me as he grabs a towel, covering his face and hair. I gasp as he turns away, displaying small scars all over his back. I step toward him, gently placing my hand on his back as he flinches and moves away. "What happened?"

His brows are drawn down when he turns back to me, his face red with anger. "Don't touch me!" He holds his towel up over himself, taking a few steps back.

"I'm sorry, Lorenzo." I try to step toward him, but he pulls back, turning away to stomp into the house.

I SIT IN NOTHING but a black silk nightgown on the bed with my knees pulled up to my chest. My left arm inhabits a giant bruise where the doctor inserted a tracker. Suddenly, I hear the door to my bedroom open as Sidharth enters in a long blue robe. He opens it, displaying himself in only Grey boxer briefs as I swallow a lump in my throat. "Are you wearing inner under there?"

"No," I whisper as he drops his brief to the floor.

He pulls out a small bottle of lube from his robe, pouring it onto his hand before stroking his cock. I sit awkwardly, watching him as his cock grows in his hand. He groans slightly before dropping the robe to the ground. His chest and torso are perfectly defined in hard lines, covered in dark hair as he approaches me on the bed. "Lay down."

I sink down onto the bed, laying my head on the pillow as he climbs onto the bed. He hovers over me, resting on one hand as I try to lean up to kiss him, but he pulls away. "You're not going to kiss me?"

"No. Quiet." He rubs his lubed hand along my pussy entrance, sliding a finger just inside before pulling it away.

"Wait... Before you-"

Sidharth slaps his hand over my mouth. "I said quiet!" He pushes himself into me slowly until he hits some resistance. I whimper softly, snapping my eyes shut to try and keep the tears in. He pushes again with a groan before pulling out and away from me. When I open my eyes, he's standing at the end of the bed, looking down at his cock, which has a bit of blood on the tip. "You're a virgin?"

"Yes. I tried to tell you before you started." I quickly sit up and pull back against the headboard, pulling my knees to my chest.

"Fuck!" He grabs his underwear and robe from the floor and exits the room, quickly slamming the door behind him.

For the second night in a row, I cry myself to sleep. At least this time, I didn't get woken up in the middle of the night.

I PULL ON LEGGINGS and an oversized t-shirt in the morning and make my way quietly down to the dining room for breakfast. I sit in my seat without a word as the men both stop talking when I enter. I ignore them both, piling food on my plate.

"Shehnaaz..." Sidharth sighs as I glance up timidly at him. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why didn't I tell you I was a virgin? I tried to, but you covered my mouth and told me to be quiet," I snap at him as he clenches his jaw, slapping his napkin on the table.

"Well, your stepmother told me you were a slut and were sleeping around with everyone."

I gasp as Hailey enters, laughing. I glare at her before looking back at Sidharth. "I'm the one that should be worried about whom you have slept with. Who knows what diseases you will bring home." I glare at Hailey again as I hear Lorenzo groan beside me.

Hailey huffs as Sidharth shakes his head at her. "Don't worry. I wear condoms with other women."

Hailey scoffs, crossing her arms. "You're just going to let her say I'm diseased?!"

Sidharth rolls his eyes, shooing her away. "Go away." He looks back at me before I look back down at my plate. "We'll try again next cycle, now that I know to take my time."

"Next month? You're just not going to sleep with me for a month? I thought we were supposed to be married!" I scoff, glancing between Sidharth and Lorenzo, who sighs, staring down at his plate.

"Well, I'm more interested in women, not girls."

"Then why did you marry me?!" I leap to my feet as he glares daggers at me, his amber eyes dark, and I know I shouldn't be pushing him.

"I told you! I need a son!"

I point toward the kitchen where Hailey disappeared to. "Then why not put one in blondie? You're fucking her anyways!"

Sidharth stands up from his seat, his hands clenched into fists. "Because she isn't Italian," he hisses.

"Fine! I'm going shopping!" I glare at Lorenzo. "And since I have this shitty tracker in my arm, I don't need a tail."

"Hey!" Sidharth calls after me as I walk away from the table. I sigh, turning back to him, and crossing my arms over my chest. "I have work to do at my club tonight. You will come. I need you ready to leave here by 8."

"Great!" I yell back as he growls at me, but I turn on my heels and disappear before he can say anything else.


So that was the next one..!

Hope you guys liked it.

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~Love love💕

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