Chapter 25

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Shehnaaz's POV:

HELLO, BOYS. I COULD get used to coming down the stairs to you fine men waiting on me.” Lorenzo chuckles as he leans against the wall next to the front door in black slacks and a white buttondown shirt.

Sidharth takes a step toward me, wearing the same with a black jacket over his shirt, offering me his arm. “And we shall never get bored watching you walk down the stairs for us.”

I smooth my hand over the simple black dress I chose just for tonight. It was modest, falling to my knees with a square neckline, accentuating the flower necklace Sidharth bought for me. “Thank you.”

“Are you wearing your other jewel?” Sidharth leans down to my ear as he
takes a seat beside me as I sit between him and Lorenzo.

“I am.” I shift in my seat, causing the plug to shift with me. “It’s weird.”

“Good weird, or bad weird?” He chuckles, pulling another box from his

I shrug apprehensively, eyeing the box in his hand. “Good, for now.”

He laughs, moving to kneel in front of me. “Well, I have something else
for you.”

“Oh no,” I whimper, looking at Lorenzo as he chuckles, cocking a brow
at me.

Sidharth laughs, pulling a small purple u-shaped toy from the box. “So,
this side slips inside you to hit your g-spot. And this side rests on your clit. Pull up your dress.”

I groan, doing as he says, pulling my dress up to my waist. He pushes my
panties to the side, positioning the toy as heat shoots through me. He
smiles, pulling a small remote from his pocket, turning it on high as I moan, gripping Lorenzo’s shirt. “Oh god!”

Sidharth sits back beside me, turning off the remote just before I come
apart between them. I pant, catching my breath as he laughs. “Pull your
dress down. And keep your composure better. We need to go over a few

I nod, my chest still heaving as I adjust my dress, elbowing both men as I do. “Sorry,” I mutter to Lorenzo as he shakes his head.

“Listen. These men don’t know you know Italian. Most of the wives

I nod at him with a shrug. “My grandmother on my mother’s side taught
me when I was a kid. She told me it would come in handy when I got

“She was right.” Sidharth squeezes my thigh, turning my attention back to him. “Let them underestimate you. You’re young and pretty. They’ll assume you’re dumb and easy, being with me for my money. So, let them think that. No matter what they say, and they’ll say offensive shit, no doubt, say nothing. React to nothing. As far as they are concerned, you were bored in the house, and I promised you a fancy meal. Okay?”

“Okay.” I nod, grabbing his hand on my thigh and squeezing it. “I’ll

“Don’t just behave. Feel free to lean into the ditsy young wife they
expect you to be.”

“Got it. Drink, eat, and pretend like I have no idea what’s going on.”

“Good girl.” He chuckles, stepping out of the limo and turning back to
offer me his hand. “Let’s go.”

I grab his hand before we enter the restaurant. “Order for me. Spaghetti
and meatballs. Confirms your dominance and my incompetence, but I still
get to eat what I want.”

He chuckles, nodding as he opens the door for me. “As you wish, wifeyy.”

He leads us to a large round table mostly filled with other older men in
black suits and positions between him and Lorenzo. He introduces me to
everyone at the table as I giggle, waving my hand.

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