Chapter 24

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Shehnaaz's POV:

"WHERE IS MY HUSBAND?" I lean over the back of the couch, where Lorenzo likes to read more than a week after Sidharth takes me for the candle wax demonstration.

I run my hands down the front of Lorenzo’s chest, resting my chin on his shoulder. He chuckles, kissing my arm and pointing to the office. “He’s on the phone in his office.”

“Thank you!” I come around the couch, pulling down the short dress I threw on to bother Sidharth.

I turn and wink at Lorenzo from the door before I open it. I shut it quietly as Sidharth glances up at me on the phone.

He shakes his head as I cross around the desk to stand beside him. I grab his free hand and place it on my thigh as I lean against his desk, stifling a giggle as he clenches his jaw.

He squeezes my thigh, pulling me onto his lap. I unbutton his shirt, kissing his neck and down his chest.

He groans, slamming his phone down on the desk. He grips my throat, lifting my chin. “What are you doing Babygirl?”

“Bothering you while you work.” I grin as he smirks, leaning forward to nip at my lower lip. He pulls on it gently with his teeth as he runs his other hand up my thigh. “Are you naked under there?”

“Yes,” I squeal as he pushes me up onto his desk, spreading my legs as he sets one foot on each arm of his chair.

“Oh, Babygirll,” he groans, running his tongue up my left thigh, biting roughly.


He chuckles, bringing his hand up, running his middle finger from my clit, down to my entrance as I shift on the desk. “Don’t move.”

I grip the edge of the desk as he leans forward, replacing his finger with his tongue as he locks eyes with me.

He moans softly against me, gripping my thighs hard as he eagerly begins to lick and suck every inch of me. “God, you can come down here and bother me daily, Babygirl.”

I giggle, wringing my fingers through his hair. “Shut up and Do your work babyy.”

He growls, leaning back to look up at me. “That a command, wifeyyy?”

He stands up to rest his hands on either side of me on the desk, hovering his mouth over mine.

I nod with another giggle, resting my hands on his arms. “I think it was, yes.”

“And what did I say about commands?”

“Hmm…” I fidget with the collar of his shirt as he smirks. “That you nidon’t do commands, even from your wife?”

“So, you do listen?” He rips the top of my dress down, exposing my breasts as I gasp.


He chuckles, pulling me off the desk. “Turn around, bend over the desk.”

I quickly do as he commands, setting my palms flat on the desk as he pulls up the skirt of my dress behind me. “Yes, sir.”

“You’re such a brat, aren’t you?” I hear the amusement in his voice as he undoes his belt, and I giggle my response. “Coming in here and interrupting my work and demanding shit.” I giggle again before I feel the sting of his belt on my flesh.

“Sidharthhh!” I gasp as the sting subsides slightly, and Sidharth rubs the skin.

“This is what you came for, right? Punishment. Remember what Adam said? If you want to stop, or if you’re in pain…”

Mafia 's Babygirl🔥❤️Where stories live. Discover now