Chapter 8

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Shehnaaz POV:

Sidharth isn’t at breakfast, and neither is Lorenzo, so I eat alone before putting on my bikini and heading out to the pool area. I see Lorenzo out there already, lying on a lounger in the sun. He lays on his back with his eyes closed and arms crossed over his chest. I hesitate beside the chair next to him. “Can I sit here? Or do you prefer to be alone?”

He opens his eyes to look up at me. “Sit.” I nod, sitting beside him as he watches me. He starts to turn onto his stomach but hesitates. He hands me a bottle of sunscreen. “Sidharth  usually helps me. But he’s always missing these days, it seems.”

I chuckle, moving to sit beside him on the lounger as he lies on his stomach. “Are you sure?”

“Just do it.”

I rub the lotion on my hands to warm it first before laying my hands on his back gently. He tenses immediately, his fists clenched into tight balls. I rub the lotion on his back, over his small scars quickly to not prolong the touching. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” he hisses through his teeth, turning his head to mine.

He stares at me for a few long, uncomfortable seconds before I sigh. “Okay then. Well, you should know I would never harm you.”

“I know,sweetheart .” He grabs my hand as I move to stand up from his chair. He keeps a tight grip on my hand as he turns to sit up, facing me. “I want to tell you…”

“You don’t have to, Lorenzo.”

He exhales slowly, closing his eyes as he rubs his thumb along the back of my hand. “My father died when I was five.” He opens his eyes but hangs his head down to look at my hand in his. “My mother remarried almost right away to a truly evil man. He abused me in every way imaginable from when I was five until Sidharth helped me kill him when we were fifteen.”

“Oh, Lorenzo. I’m sorry.” I move to place my hand on his cheek but hesitate and drop it back into my lap.

Lorenzo raises his eyes to mine, red and welled with tears. “He would let other men pay him to use me. The scars on my back are of him putting out his cigarettes on me.”

“So, you don’t like to be touched. I understand now.” My heart clenches in my chest as he glances nervously back down at our hands again. “What about your mother?”

He shrugs, scoffing slightly. “She was too afraid to say or do anything.”

“I’m sorry, Lorenzo.”

“Stop apologizing. I didn’t tell you because I wanted your pity.”

“I know,” I groan, looking down at my lap.

Lorenzo sighs softly, cradling my face between his hands, forcing my eyes into his. “Keep your hands down.”

I look at him, confused, until he leans toward me, closing his eyes. I mirror him, closing my eyes just as I feel his lips press softly against mine. He pulls away with a slight smile on his face. “What was that?”

He shrugs, “just seeing. Sidharth is the only person I’ve trusted my whole life. I know I can trust you. I just need time. Okay?”

“Okay.” He stands up from the chair, but I grab his hand before he can walk away. “Wait, can I ask you a question?” I stand up with him as he nods, turning back to me. “Last week, when you found me in my room. Did you touch yourself when you left?”

He chuckles, blushing slightly as he glances down at the ground before looking me back in the eyes. “I did. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” I laugh. “It was hot. I liked you watching me. You can watch me whenever you like.”

Lorenzo steps toward me, bringing his towel up to cover his swim trunks. “Maybe you’d want to watch me sometime?”

My eyes widen as I feel my face flush red, but I nod as he chuckles before walking away, leaving me alone outside.


The lights shoot on in my bedroom, and I grumble, looking atthe time. It’s just after two in the morning, and I groan, pulling the blanket over my head. “Fuck off.”

Sidharth crosses the room and rips the blanket off me before going into my closet and grabbing some clothes, throwing them at me. “Get dressed and be downstairs in 5 minutes.”

He slams the door behind him as I sit up in my bed with a groan. I grab the clothes from the end of the bed, pulling them on quickly. I grab a hair tie and throw up my hair before finding some tennis shoes.

Lorenzo and Sidharth both stand stone-faced at the bottom of the stairs.

Neither of them speaks as Sidharth turns on his heel, and I follow him out of
the house. I climb into the back seat of a limo across from the men.

“Where are we going?” I look between the men, but they both only hold
grim faces for me. “Lorenzo?”

He shakes his head with a sigh and looks out the window. I look out the window as we are driven to the middle of nowhere, and the limo comes to a stop. Sidharth opens the door and climbs out, and Lorenzo climbs out after him, turning back to offer me his hand. I accept and climb out of the car and am led to the front of the vehicle, in the headlights.

Sidharth moves to the trunk, and I hear rustling as he drags a body in front of me. He pushes the man to his knees, and I see it is David. “What the fuck!”

I try to walk toward him, but Lorenzo pulls me back, a firm grip on my arm.

“You think I wouldn’t check where you were the other night?” Sidharth yells, gripping David’s hair in his hand. “You thought you could fuck whomever you wanted?” He already has blood dripping down the side of his face and appears to be lethargic as Sidharth keeps him propped up.

“We didn’t fuck, though I wish we did. I wish I did fuck your wife! Someone fucking should since you can’t seem to get it up for her…”

David groans as Sidharth brings his hand up to smack him across the face
with the butt of his gun. “Sidharthh!” I struggle against Lorenzo’s arms, but he
holds me tighter. “You can’t let him do this, Lorenzo! Please!”

“I’m sorry, Shehnaaz,” he whispers for only me to hear.

“Every man I see you with will suffer the same fate.” Sidharth lifts his gun to David’s head as a gunshot rings out into the night, and David’s body falls limp onto the ground.

I feel my own body numb as my body goes limp in Lorenzo’s arms as he carries me to the car.


So that was the next one..!

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~Love love💕

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