Chapter 6

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"It's Tiring"

I wake up in bed and yawn.

I spent all day yesterday shopping and dining at the mall. I bought so many clothes.

I don't know what I'm going to do today. Usually don't plan much for my off days. And after my shopping spree, I kinda don't wanna go outside today. Unless to flex my new clothes of course.

My phone rings. It's my job.

I sigh and answer. "Hello?"

"You're fired," Miss Karen said.

"But it's my day off."

"I don't care."

"Why am I fired?"

"You know why! How dare you try to convince a new employee to do prostitution."

"Wait, I wasn't one who-"

"Of course, you weren't!"

Miss Karen hangs up.

That bitch!

And that lying bitch Emily!

She's the one who had me do the prostituting.

Now I'm fired.

I collapse back in bed.

What am I gonna do now for cash?

Finding a new job will be hard because of my record.

Besides, making minimum wage isn't enough these days. I can barely pay rent.

On the bright side, I don't have to smile and wave at customers anymore.

It's tiring faking love for people you don't know and don't care about.

That was my job...

Why would she...

An idea pops into my head.

Of course, I can just go back to that guy.

I smile. "Dominic, I know what we're doing today."

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