Chapter 14

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"Wooden Houses"

Ime and I enjoy the ride home together, talking about whatever comes to mind.

"Ever seen After?" Ime said.


Ime grins. "You should watch it."

"What's it about?"

"It's about this young couple that's terrible for each other."

"Why would you watch that?"

"Seemed comedic."

"So you watch romance."

"Nah, I watch terrible couples."

I sit back and look out the window. I watch as the wooden houses within the forest go by.

"So, you watch couples?"

"Yes, I do."

"For what?"

"To learn what not to do."

I smile. "One-night stands wasn't one of them."

Ime groans. "It wasn't one."


Something hits the back of the car.

We both look back to see a black car with tinted windows ramming into us.

Who the fuck?

The car stops ramming us and speeds up next to us.

I slide my window down. "What the fuck dude!"

The black car's window slides down revealing...


She rams into the side of the car and tries to push us off the road into a ditch.

"If I can't have him no one can have him," She said.

"Trust me, I don't want this guy," I said.

She continues to ram the car and Ime tries to evade her.

Eris starts to drive directly into the front tire, slowly pushing us off the road.

"Dominic, you're gonna have to shoot her," Ime said trying his best to stay on the road.


"Grab my pistol."

I reach into his pants and pull it out.

The car starts to slowly tip.

"Dominic, shoot her!"


I take a quick breath and aim the gun at her.

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