Chapter 38

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"Midnight Air"

It has been a few years since I got married. I arrive at Ime's family home and head to the top floor. I arrive at the main room and in there I see Gloria playing with Junior, holding him up in the air and baby talking to him.

"Hi, guys," I said and Gloria looked at me disappointed.

She still doesn't like me.

She holds Junior on her hip and looks at me, playing with his cheeks. "I can't believe an angel like you came from a devil."

I laugh awkwardly. "Me too."

Yeah, me and Ime had a baby. To this day I still can't believe I got pregnant. Anthony must be a magician. Speaking of Anthony I haven't seen him in a while. Bet he'll show up out of nowhere eventually, him and Teach.

And more about Junior. He's a healthy baby with his father's brown eyes and my wavy brown hair and he's light skin. Very cute.

Gloria hands Junior to me and she kisses him goodbye. "He is such a sweetheart," she said

"Thanks," I said.

"Now leave," she said waving me off.

I head back to the car put Junior in his car seat and buckle his seatbelt then get in the driver seat.

Also, I learned how to drive. Bet y'all didn't know that. Ime taught me.

I head home through a narrow road within a beautiful forest in keep isolation. Me and Ime bought a Mansion yards away from people near a cliff with an incredible view.

I arrive home and unbuckle Junior then carry him inside.

"We're home," I announce.

"Aye, welcome back," I hear an unexpected voice.

I put Junior on the ground and let him crawl around and walk into it.

"I knew you would show up unexpectedly," I said seeing no other than Anthony in our fridge.

"I came to visit my masterpiece," he said and pulled out a yogurt from the fridge. "How's the baby?"

"Amazing. How's the yogurt?"

"Delicious," he said getting a spoon.

I sigh. "Watch Junior for me."

"Will do princess," he said giving me a salute.

I walk upstairs and go into Ime's office.

"How it's going?" I said.

Ime looks at me from over his computer screen. "Busy."

"You don't say."

"Did you pick up Junior?"

"I did. He's downstairs with Anthony."

"The psycho's here?"

"You didn't know?"

Ime rubs his face. "Of course not."

"Who let him in?"

Ime looks at his computer screen and goes back to work. "Let's not worry about it."

I walk over to him and stand behind him.

"Whatcha writing?" I said.

"A book."

"What's it about?"

Ime laughs. "A couple."

"That's so gay."

He looks at me.

"Yes I know," I said. "Why a couple tho? Why not a sci-fi adventure?"

"I watch couples remember."

"But you said they were terrible."

"And comedic," he said and went back to writing.

"Alright, Anna Todd. I'll leave you to it."

"Love you," he said.

"I know."

I head back downstairs and see Anthont and Junior watching Animaniacs. I chuckle and head to the kitchen.

Miss Caroline has been teaching me how to cook. So today I'm going to be making caviar, truffles, and wagyu beef.

I grab my apron and begin to cook.

Night Time

After dinner Anthony left and I put Junior to bed - which is right next to ours. Ime waits for me in bed on his phone and I join him.

"Finish your book?" I said.

"I think I'm on the last chapter."

I cuddle up to him and he puts his arm around me.

I look at him and he looks at me.

"Ime, no bullshit," I said getting serious. "Listen to me when I say this."

He focuses on me. "Go ahead."

I turn red. "I may have never said this before but... I think I love you."

After that could feel Ime's heartbeat. "Say that again?" he said leaning in.

"I said, I think I love you."


I grab a pillow and smack him with it. "I said I love you jerk."

Ime laughs at me.

Ime and I start wrestling with each other, laughing while playing. And playing led to another thing. This is time he better wear a condom... What am I saying? He is not.

Here comes another baby.


I lay up late at night.

You know when I first started this journey of love I thought it would be horrible but instead, I learned that...

Love is a journey and it never ends.



Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

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