C H A P T E R : 2

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The next day you woke up pretty late because you got cramps all over your body. You got ready as soon as possible and wore your favourite denim jumpsuit with a oversized hoodie beneath it. You saw yourself one more time in mirror and fixed your short hair a little.

You got out of your room and went straight to the kitchen. The apartment felt so quite. It looks like your brother already left for work. There you saw your breakfast placed in the counter with a sticky note near by it. You read the note as you smiled a little.

"Left some breakfast for you. Eat and get strong more. You need a lot of energy to play soccer. Take care yourself. I'll be home late today."

The words were too simple but made you feel happy and secure. The simple words contained too much love. "I can't do anything without you. Do i?" You said, thinking about Yoongi as you smiled.

You sat down on the couch as you ate the breakfast that your brother had made. After finishing your breakfast you started to watch tv. While watching tv you heard some voice outside of your apartment. You got up and went to the front door and opened it. There were two to three people with big boxes infront of the opposite apartment. It looks like someone is moving there.

You closed the door and checked the clock. It's already the time for you to go to the work. You hurriedly collected your things and got outside of your apartment as you locked it. You started to walk to the elevator through the apartment corridor. But didn't thought of a unexpected guy bumping into you.

The guy bumped in your shoulder as you looked at him but regretted it immediately. Your eyes got widened as you stared at the man. "FINALLY GOT YOU LIL BOY!" The guy said in a loud voice as you didn't waste a time and started to run for your dear life through the corridor. You run as fast as you can but surprisingly you saw the guy chasing after you.

"Fuck my life!" You cursed as you sped up your feet trying to get away from him. But somehow he turned to be more faster as he got dangerously close to you. Your eyes widened as he caught you by your hoodie and pulled you harshly to him. Your back was pressed against his chest as you felt his hot breath on your neck. "Now you can't get away from me anymore." He said, grabbing your wrist tightly and pinned you to the wall.

Finally you got a very clear and close view of the man. He was dangerously and breath takingly handsome. The doe and bambi eyes of his literally was staring into your soul. His hair was sticking up with his forehead as he was breathing heavily. You stared up at him as he hovered on your little body of yours. He was breathing heavily while pinning you to the wall. "Let me go." You said staring at him but he just smirked.

"Not now lil boy until you pay me back." He said as he got so close to your face. He got so close that you could feel his breath on your lips. You stared at him before speaking. "Atleast keep some fucking distance." You said as you started to struggled in his grip. He was literally staring at you with fire in his eyes. It can be clearly seen that he will kill you any time.

"Look at you! the fucking audacity of yours after breaking the windshield of my fucking car!" He said as you glared at him. "Well it was a clearly fucking mistake!" You replied back as he rolled his eyes. "I told you I don't have money. Then why don't you fucking let me go?!" You screamed as he just smirked. Did he just smirked?? This bitch-

"You are forgetting something." He said as he stared at you with a devilish smile on his face. You face got puzzled as he laughed a little. "Your fucking soccer ball." He said as your eyes got widened. No way.. don't tell me...

"It has the famous soccer player's autograph and also the ball was looking hella expensive. Ofcourse there are many people who are willing to buy that..." He trailed off as you stared at him with your widened eyes. "Don't you fucking dare to do anything with my ball!" You said as you grabbed him by his collar making his face closer to you.

He laughed in a mocking way which made your temper higher than before it was. "Oh I'll do... unless you pay me back..you fucking broke the glass. You know how much i had to pay to repair that shit?!?" He said glaring at you stayed silent. "You are expecting me to let you go lil boy? Nuh huh...not yet..." He said as he finally backed away from you. You stayed silent, accepting your defeat. "Okay hear me...I seriously have no money in my pocket..so to get my soccer ball back..is there any way I can pay you back without money?" You said patiently as you looked at him and laughed nervously.

He scoffed at your expression and cleared his throat. He stared at you for sometime as you gulped. This guy is seriously so handsome...wait MIN YUJIN WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!?! You mentally slapped yourself for thinking that. After staring at you for a brief second he smiled mischievously. "Yeah there is a way..a intresting way.." He said smirking as he again got closed to you. Fuck.. can't this guy keep a fucking distance between us??

You sat down on the couch while facing him as he stared at you. You both are at your place. He is staring at you as you yawned and rolling your eyes. It's been 15 minutes he is staring at you and it's really annoying for you. "Can you fucking stop staring at me for fuck's sake?!?" You said glaring at him as he cleared his throat. "Hey! I don't have a single interest in staring at you, you dumb fucking bitch." He said, crossing his arms in his chest as your eyes got widened.

"What did you just said?!? Well you are a dumb fucking hoe!" You said, pointing at him. "Hoe? Did you fucking called me hoe?!?" He said as he glared at you. He is almost at the verge of losing his patience and you are clearly testing it. "Yes bitch." You said as you shrugged. "What- you know what, i don't want to argue with you anymore." He said as you looked at him with your pointed eyes. "Then make the deal already and get out of my house. I have so much work." You said in your boyish manner.

He is literally done with your behaviour. You are literally testing his patience. But he smirked. "Okay..now listen to me carefully.." he said as you stared at him. "The deal is....you are gonna do anything I'll ask for, in any time and in any place and you won't deny it. If you deny it. Then it's your loss." He said as your eyes got widened. "And don't think that I'm gonna give you some easy work. You will do anything. Anything. You have to listen to my commands no matter what." He repeated the words as you nodded in displeasure. You just want to slap the fuck out of that chagrin face of his!

"Now what's the name of your lil boy..." He asked staring at you. "Min Yu-" You stopped midway. You are not gonna risk it. He thought you as a guy. If you will tell him your real identity, it will be a great mistake. If he will make you work some other dirty things...no way in the damn planet... "It's Min Dae..joon..Min Daejoon.." You said as you flashed him your awkward smile. But he just rolled his eyes. "Okay took you long enough to say your name... Well I'm gonna call you Joon.. Joon I'm Jeon Jungkook.. you can call me Jungkook..and I'm gonna live infront of you..." He said as he smirked.

"Well well Joon you can't get away from me...can you?" He said flashing devilish smile as you glared at him. You have to listen to his orders or this psycho man can do anything. You can't trust him. Well you did a good thing that you didn't told him your real identity. You are not male...you are biologically female..

a/n: guys here is the chapter 2. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and please vote and leave some sweet messages. It'll help me a lot guys! I really want to keep updating this story so please guys do comment and vote!💗💓

See you in next chapter!

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