C H A P T E R : 4

252 19 3

Jungkook was staring at his tv, putting his whole concentration on tv while munching on his food slowly. You were also too focused on the tv while your mouth was gap a little. The show was too serious that non of you even flinched a little. He was sitting on the couch while legs were stretched to the coffee table infront of him and you were sitting on the carpet focused on the show.

You were chilling in your room when he called you now where to massage his legs and ankle and ofcourse you couldn't deny his request more like demands. You forced yourself to get up from your bed and went to his place while you were in just your oversized hoodie and shorts.

Jungkook put a show to watch while eating and a getting a massage from you and guess what you were going to sit on his sofa but he literally told you to sit on the floor. "Think yourself lucky cause I have put a carpet on the floor or you were going to sit on that cold floor." He literally said this to you but you can't say anything but bear his shitty comments.

You were massaging his ankle but the the show he had put got a little bit interesting that couldn't got unnoticed by you. You were too into the show that you stopped massaging hie leg. You and Jungkook were too focused as the final end came to the show. The both of you came to realisation as he groaned. "They should have ended up together!" Jungkook whined, complaining about the show as you looked at him getting slightly irritate.

"Well not every story have happy endings!" You replied back as he looked at you. "I literally forgot about your existence being here. Why did you stop? Keep massaging." He said as he slightly shaked his leg infront of your face. You got irritated as you slapped his leg and he stopped while laughing a little.

It's been 45 minutes since you were massaging his feet while he just scrolled through his phone. You let out a yawn as Jungkook looked at you. He observed your whole appearance which made him confused a little. Your appearance was too thin unlike his. Well He is also a guy. But comparing him and you, you look so much thin and fragile. Almost like feminine.

"Well Joon... what's your age?" He straight up asked as you looked at him. "25." You replied back shortly as he nodded. The both of you are same age but he is too buff while you are too thin. His eyes drifted to your pale and thin legs as he got suspicious a little. "Well Joon we are the same age.... but Joon aren't you a little bit too thin comparing to other guys at our age?" He said as your eyes got widened. Your body got tensed as your words got caught up in your throat. You started to sweat a little as you let out a nervous laugh.

"Well Jungkook.. aren't you getting a little bit too interested in my personal life?" You asked, directly staring at him while he frowned at your question. "Hey! I'm not interested in your personal life. I'm just asking it cuz you are too think comparing to other guy's. Your body is too thin. Look at your legs...they look...so much feminine!" He fired back as you looked at your legs then looked back at him. You can't get caught like this. You need to hide your identity from him. You really can't trust this guy.

"Well I'm built like this....just mind your damn things!" You said, trying to  make the conversation to end. He looked at you as he shrugged and leaned back to the sofa. "Well okay....I was asking. I can say that your dick is also small like your body." He said making your eyes go widened. You are not a male and trying to hide trying to hide your real identity. You also don't have a dick but you can't take this insult.

"The fuck did you say? My dick is small?!? I can bet your dick is small like your small mind!" You fired back as you stood up from the floor. His eyes got widened as he looked at you in annoyed face. He stood up as he looked down at you. "Did you just say my dick is small?!? How fucking dare you to say that!" He fired back while staring at you while you scoffed in anger. "Yes! I said that like you talk about my dick! I can also say that my dick is bigger than yours!" You said as his eyes got widened. You don't have a dick but you can't also take insult because he is questioning about your non existent dick! You can't tolerate it!

"Bigger my ass! I can feel your dick can be compared to a non existent dick! I also can say you haven't fuck a chick and I also can say that you can't even pleasure a chick with that dick of yours!" He said in his one breath as you stared at him in silent. There was a long silence between both of you while staring at eachother. You stared at him as he gulped a little, feeling the deadly stare of yours. "You are done." You said, in a silent voice as he looked at you with his big eyes. He can feel something coming. The silence before the storm.

You suddenly grabbed his hair as he fell back on the couch. You jumped on him while pulling his hair violently. "I'll fucking kill you! How dare you to say that!?! How fucking dare you to say about my dick!" You said while pulling his hair more violently. He groaned in pain as he tried to push you from his lap. Your grip was so strong on his hair as he can feel his hair coming out in any time. "Fucking let me go! Oh my God you are gonna pull all my fucking hair!" He said between your grip as you didn't even flinched.

"I'm not gonna let you go today! I'll fucking kill you damn bastard!" You screamed as his eyes got widened. Well he is seriously dead now.

You were sitting beside him while he was putting a icepack on his head, where you were pulling his hair a moment ago. You were little sorry about him as he looked at him while he just groaned in pain. He was struggling as you took the icepack from him. "Give me.... I'll do it for you.." You said in a silent voice as he stared at you before giving you the icepack. You started to put the icepack on his head while groaned in pain. "Fuck! That hurts!" He said as you dabbed the icepack gently on his head.

"Well I'm sorry..." You said as looked at you in calm but a hint of anger in his eyes. "You really caused so much mess. First you broke the glass of my car and now you literally pulled my hair like that..." He said as you looked down in apologizing way. "I told you I'm sorry..." You again said as he just sighed heavily. Both of stayed in silent while he just closed his eyes for before opening again. "Well I'm not gonna apologize you for what you did... remember our deal." He only said this as you sensed the whole thing, what is coming next. You seriously caused a big mess for your non existent dick. But the things he said were a little hurtful for your pride. Your pride git hurt. You couldn't do anything otherwise pulling his hair.

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