C H A P T E R : 9

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"No no no... Not today please!!" You said as you stared at the white sheet, covered in blood spots. This is the reason why you hate being a girl. You just got your periods. "I hate this!" You mumbled as you ran to the washroom and checked the cupboard searching for a pad. But You only saw the empty pad pack.


You screamed as you grabbed a handful of your hair. You grunted when you felt a sudden pain slowly forming in your lower stomach. No no.... it's coming.... You get out of your washroom in frustration and went straight to the living room.

"Yoongi are you-" "oh he has already left for work!" You whined while reading the note which was stick to the refrigerator with his sweet note as always. You didn't waste any second as you grabbed little money purse and got ready to go to the convenience store to buy pads. You got out of your apartment and hurriedly locked store and started walk in rush. But your luck was ain't good.

"Joon! Where are going!?" Someone hugged you from behind by your shoulder. "What the fuck you want Jeon!?!" You asked while pushing away from you as he stared at you in confused. "Hey! You don't have to be so rude to me you know...I was just greeting you." He said while you glared at him. You turned your back as you started to walk to the lift hurriedly. You groaned in annoyance when he also followed you behind.

"By the way where are you going?" He asked while the both of you got into the elevator. "To fuck a chick. Wanna join?" You said in pure sarcasm. He bursted out in laugh while you just groaned feeling the pain increasing in your lower stomach. "I don't if it was a joke or not. But I'm totally up for it unless you don't like threesome." You finally looked at him in disgust as he stopped talking. Is this guy mentally ill or something...?

"Hey! we can switch by time, you know. It's gonna be real fun and you can get a view of my dick. You will stop joking about my dick! It's literally big-" " are we really talking about sex, threesome and about your fucking dick?!??" You screamed at him as he stopped talking. He stared at you while you heaved in anger.

"You literally asked me..."

"When did I ask?!"

"You said if I wanna join in your little moment with your chick..."

"Are you fucking for real....?"


"You are so fucking disgusting. Oh my God..."

You groaned as you stomped your feet to the ground. You cried in annoyance as you silently let out scream. Jungkook kept staring at you in confused. "I'm fucking done with you! Go away!" You started to push him away while he stared at you in more confuse. You started to walk to the near convenience store in more speed. " Actually you know, threesome is really bad idea...." Jungkook kept following, still kept talking on his point of view on threesome.

You felt like your head gonna burst if you won't stop talking about sex. You soon reached the convenience store. But he was still following you. You stopped on your track and turned around. "Why are you following me?" You asked as he burst out of laughing. You stared at him with more irritation as he kept laughing. "Why would I follow you? Are you a celebrity or what?I'm here to buy some bread for myself." He said, pushing you away from his sight. You huffed in anger as you also got into the shop.

You went straight to the sanitary pads section and got the regular one you use. You then went to the cash counter and was about to pay when someone interrupted you. "Why you buying this thing?" You jumped by the voice as you turned around to see Jungkook with a lot of snacks in his hand. "None of your business." You said as you silently paid while he didn't ask you further any questions.

You got out from the shop and started to walk to your apartment in hurriedly as you can feel the wetness. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" You walked really fast and reached your apartment building. You literally thanked God because the elevator was empty. After 10 minutes you reached your apartment.

You immediately did your things not wasting any second as you got ready for your Soccer practice. Today is the worst day of your life. You got periods, you didn't have any pads, you got bumped into Jungkook and you have soccer practice. The cramps are slowly increasing in your body.

You somehow made it to the soccer ground. But another annoying bitch coming in your way. Hana came as she stared at your tired and exhausted state. "Aww....is our Yujin okay? Looking so fucked up as always.." She said, giving you her annoying smile. "Hana.. I'm not in the mood. So shut the fuck up and get away from my sight." You muttered with a sigh as she rolled her eyes. "You know what... your attitude always makes me do irritate." She said as you glared at her.

"Bitch, if you won't shut the fuck up, I'll shove my dirty shoes in your fucking mouth so you won't able to talk with that pretty fucking mouth of yours anymore!" You screamed at her as everyone stared at the both of you. She looked at you in disbelief, unable to say something. "Fucking bitch getting on my nerves!" You walked by her as everyone stared at her while whispering between themselves. " You are so fucking done Yujin!" Hana muttered as she also left the place.

The practice began as you stood at the side of the ground while clutching to your tummy. You groaned, feeling the pain inside your tummy. You forgot to eat the pain killer pills in hurry.

The ball got passed to you as you started to run towards the goal. Your coach clapped his hand, watching you playing good as always without messing around. You were about to goal when you felt someone pushing you harshly. You yelped as you fell down on the ground. Everyone gasped as they ran to you, asking if you are okay. You looked up as you saw Hana leaving the place silently, causing a whole chaos. It was her who pushed you to the ground.

You saw the blood flowing down to your leg with a big scratch on your knee. "Yujin are you okay?!? Oh god you are literally bleeding!!" Your friend Jiwon said as you groaned in pain. "We have to treat your woond!" Soojin said as Jiwon and Soojin helped you to get up. They both carried you to treat your woond.

You slowly made your way to your apartment as you felt your whole body swelling in pain. Your knee also hurting because of the woond. This is the reason why you hate being a woman. You hate being a woman. Always going through pain and shits. You just wanted to have a peaceful life without anyone annoying you. BUT you can't have that!

You reached your apartment as you pressed the passwords but it made a beep saying wrong password. You groaned as you again pressed the buttons but it again said wrong password. At that you felt your head started spinning. You tried to hold back but your exhausted body was trying to give up.

Suddenly someone opened the door as you looked at the front.  JUNGKOOK?!? "What do you want?" He asked while staring at you with a displeased expression. You stared at him with puzzled expression as you stepped closer to him. "What are you doing at my plac-" Your head hit his chest as he stood there in silent. You have passed out. "Say what now?" He said in a displeased voice as his  gaze travelled to your face and held you. Now what...?

My dear goofy ahh omega readers, I told you that I'll be back in March but the omega inside me wanted write and update because I love you guys uwu 😭🥰😍😘🤌🥺

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