C H A P T E R : 11

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Jungkook slowly dabbed the icepack on his jaw while groaning in pain. Well your brother hit him a little bit hard. "So Joon is a female..." He murmured as he let out a laugh. You literally looked like your brother. At that time he felt like he was seeing two versions of you.

While he was treating his wound he heard the bell of the house ringing. He got up as he went to the door and opened it. "OH MY GOD! I'M SO SORRY! I WON'T TOUCH YOUR SISTER EVER AGAIN!" Jungkook yelled, hiding his face with his hand as you stared at him in confusion. "Yah! It's me!" You said as he slowly looked at you. You rolled your eyes as you stepped inside his house. "You scared the fuck out of me!" He said, closing the door behind him as he sat beside you.

"Well you didn't die right?!? What a drama queen.... Well here take it. I bought you some pain killers." You handed him the medicines as he blinked. He felt his heart beating loudly against his chest as he blinked. " Well thank you...Yujin..." He replied as you looked at him. You started to laugh loudly while he stared at you in confusion. "You must be in shock after finding out my real identity, right?" You asked as he slowly nodded.

"Are you really a... Female...?" He asked.

"Do you need confirmation?"

"If you want to give... I won't mind actually..."

"You are so fucking disgusting Jungkook.." You said as he laughed a little. His eyes then travelled to your face... Slowly to your chest. He gulped as he stared at them. "What the fuck are you staring at you?!?" You immediately wrapped your hands around your body as you glared at him. "No no no... Don't think of me like that!!" He shook his head as you rolled your eyes.

"So you have real boobies?" He asked as you nodded with a sigh. "Unfortunately yes." You replied. "And you also have a vagin-" "WHAT THE FUCK JUNGKOOK?!?!" You yelled as you grabbed him by his collar. "Sorry sorry... I went too far..." He said as he held your wrist. "You are so fucking disgusting." You gave him a disgusted look as you let go of his collar.

You sat down on the couch as you both went silent. You looked here and there, feeling the awkwardness in the air. "Why did you hide your identity?" He started as you looked at him. "Well I thought you would do something to me if I revealed my real identity. Since I broke the glass of your expensive car. " You replied as you scratched the back of your neck while smiling a little. "You should have told me your real identity. I was pretty harsh to you and I would have returned your Soccer ball too!" He replied as you looked at him in shock.

"Why are you staring at me like that? I really respect women so much. "

He said as you laughed a little. " Jungkook, I didn't know you were like this!" You said as you suddenly got close to him. His breath got caught in his throat as he stared at you so close to him. Beautiful... He thought as he stared at the beautiful features of your face. He suddenly remembered your feminine look. Now that explains a lot.

He wanted to grab your face and kiss you on those pretty lips of yours and kiss you until you are out of breath. "I... I'll return your Soccer Ball tomorrow..." He said as you gasped. "Really oh my God!" You suddenly hugged him as he felt his heart running at a high speed. He suddenly felt hot. Your simple touch made him go crazy. He felt your chest pressed against his chest as he hormones went crazy. He can feel the small bumps against his chest. He held his breath as he closed his eyes. God... I'm going crazy.

You broke the hug as you stared at him. You stared at his lower lip which was bruised. "He really hit you badly. Since you are returning my ball, I'll take care of  your wound!" You said as you took out the medicine you bought for him. You then slowly put some on his lip while grabbing his face. He stared at your face up close to him. He gulped as he gazed over your perfectly shaped lips. You suddenly bit your lower lip as he lost it finally. He gulped as he tried to calm himself down.

He can feel your hot breath against his. He felt like the time stopped ticking as he only stared at your face. The way you were grabbing his face with gentleness...."Hah! I'm done!" You said suddenly as his thoughts got broken. He leaned back as he smiled a little. "Now we are done! I think I should go now!" You said as you got up with your things. His eyes went wide as he suddenly grabbed your wrist. You looked at him in confusion. " Yujin... Can we... Can we be friends?" He asked as you stared at him. He stared like a little child asking to be friends with you although he is literally 25! You stared at him for some minute before nodding. "Since you are returning my soccer ball... So yeah it's alright." You smiled cheerfully as he broke into laughter. "Great!" He said smiling widely. "Okay now I really have to go!" You said as he nodded, feeling a little sad because of your leave. You left his place as he finally closed the door and sighed loudly. "JEON JUNGKOOK....ARE YOU HAVING A CRUSH ON HER???" He said as he laughed to himself.

You got inside your apartment as you were about to go to your room secretly when a voice stopped you. "Where were you?" You turned only to see your brother, Yoongi, who had crossed his hand on his chest, wearing his glasses. "Oh.. I went to buy some snacks!" You said awkwardly as you showed the bag full of snacks. He nodded while staring at you. "Yujin... I'm gonna be straight. I don't want you to see that guy ever again." He said as you smiled awkwardly. You nodded slowly as he shook his head.

"Now that you understand, you can go." He said as you nodded and entered your room. You sighed as you smiled widely. You don't have to worry much cuz you are getting your Soccer ball back! That's the most important thing right now. You didn't know Jungkook was literally like this. You were so happy. So much!


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