C H A P T E R : 7

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"THIS IS TOO REVEALING! I WON'T WEAR THAT SHIT!" You yelled gaining attention from the people's who were also at the dress shop as your two friends tried hush you immediately. "God calm down! I was going to put back in it's place." One of your friend Juwon said as your another friend Sujin nodded.

The two of them really close to in your soccer club. When you first joined the soccer club, the two of them got along very well with you unlike others who were genuinely scared of you, seeing your straight forward actions. Well you are scary sometimes and you are bold. You are not afraid to do anything. You just whatever you want.

Juwon and Sujin were always there for you whenever you need help or something. They helped you almost in everything just like bestfriends do and they are helping you too today for your dress to wear for the party. The party which Jimin forced you to come along with him and act like his girlfriend. You hate this. Seriously you hate this. This is the worst experience of your life.

"Why everything is so damn revealing God..." You murmured while observing the revealing clothes. Most clothes were revealing at the cleavage spot and you don't like those cuz you have never worn those dresses in your whole life. "Jin, look at this dress! It's not revealing and it'll suit you well!" Sujin said while showing you a crimson red dress. You observed the cloth as you nodded slowly. "I think it's okay..." You murmured as you take the cloth in your hands. You rubbed your finger over the surface of the velvety cloth as you just sighed. "The unnecessary things I have to do for some people..." You murmured silently as you looked at your friends.

"I'm okay with it." You said as Juwon and Sujin squealed in excitement. "Ooo~ I can't wait to see you in this dress!!" Juwon chanted happily with Soojin. You stared at them with a bored expression as a small smile appeared in your face. They are more excited than you like they are going with Jimin to the party. "Yeah yeah.. whatever..Just hurry up. We need to get out of here." You said as you were about to walk away but they suddenly grabbed you. "We want you to check this dress out." They said as your eyes widened. You were about to protest but they literally started to pull you to the dressing room. I already hate it!

You stared at yourself in the mirror as you blinked few times. You couldn't believe it's you. You thought someone else was sitting on your place. "GOD! SHE IS LOOKING SO BEAUTIFUL!" Soojin fake cried in happiness as Juwon wiped her fake tears. You touched your face as you saw yourself in the wig with natural makeup which really went good on your face. Thanks to your both friends. The dress was literally looking so beautiful making you whole new another person.

"We did our best Juwon!" Soojin and Juwon hugged aa they fake cried like they won a Olympic medal. "I'm going to call Jimin right now! His jaw will be on floor after seeing you like this!" Soojin said as she went to open the door. "No wait! Not right now!" You yelled but she didn't heard and opened the door finally.

"Jimin! Your fake girlfriend is ready to go!" Soojin called out as you just rolled your eyes. Jimin came as he peeked through the door. His eyes went wide as he stared at you. He slowly stepped into your room as he couldn't believe that it was literally you. You were sitting on your chair with a short black wig on your head and face covered in light makeup. Your lips was tinted red looking really kissable. Jimin gulped in reaction as your friends gasped seeing him like this.

"Wow...You look really beautiful Yujin." Jimin said while approaching you. You shot him with a bored expression as you stared at him. He really thought he was seeing another person not you. You were literally looking like a goddess. You were literally looking like he imagined in his mind. His heartbeat increased as he felt his cheeks heat up. You were literally looking beautiful. "If I won't get what you promised, I promise I'll fucking kill you." You gave him a death stare as he laughed in nervously. "I'm already tired in this fucking dress! How I'll survive that party? God Jimin I'll kill you!" You said as stood up and pulled him by his collar while glaring at him. "Please spare me only for this time!" Jimin yelped as your two friend came to rescue him.

" Yah! You are being too harsh on him!" Soojin said as you finally let him go while he sighed in relief. Jimin fixed his shirt as he wore his suit. He took a heavy breath as he smiled. "Now now...Min Yujin..are we ready to go?" Jimin said as he extend his hand infront of you. You literally gave him look of disgust. Soojin and Juwon squealed in excitement as they both hugged eachother. Jimin will always be Jimin no matter what.

You sat silently in between the ladies as they squizzed you. You were literally feeling suffocating in the dress and top of that the ladies, the girlfriends of Jimin's friend's squizzed you in between them. You tightened your grip on the wine glass as you gave them a forceful smile. "Wow..you really look beautiful. Jimin is really lucky to have you as his girlfriend." One of the lady said as you laughed forcefully.

You were in a private room of one of the expensive looking club in Seoul. The slow music played on the background as your mind was at ease at some point but not anymore when the girls squizzed in between them. Your dress was really making you uncomfortable. Your body was itching very badly and also your head because of the wig. You really wanted to took off the wig and throw it at Jimin's face.  Not forgetting about your heels. You felt like your feet gonna broke in any time soon. The high heels were really painful to your feet.

If we sum it all, in conclusion you wanted to get out of the club and rip the dress off from your body. You looked at Jimin who was talking with his friends with a smile. Oh how you wanted to wipe that smile out of his face. At that time Jimin looked at your direction as he saw your most horrible state. He felt goosebumps spreading all over his body as he saw your death stare. He really felt the gloomy and bad vibe coming towards you. He gulped as he looked down in fear.

You gripped on your dress as you looked at your side, facing the girls. "Excuse me..I have to use the washroom." You excused yourself as you stood up but you felt like your feets gonna give up because of the heels. You tried to stay sane as you walked out of the room in your wobbly legs, tried not to trip down. You got out of the room and went straight to the bar side of the club. You took a sit there as you ordered yourself a drink. You finally felt some relief, getting out of the room.

"Are you okay, Yujin?" You heard Jimin's voice behind you as you groaned in pain. "Jimin..I want to go home. I don't want to stay here anymore. I'm tired of hearing the blabbering of those bitches. Please let me go. I miss my dear home. My breasts are getting itchy. My head is itching badly. My feet is hurting badly. My ass is hurting badly sitting in between those girlies. I feel like I want to commit a murder here and you know who I'll be murdering? It's you!" You breathed heavily, finally finishing off all the problems you were having as Jimin stared at you silently. " I- Yujin..." He didn't find any word to say as you groaned in pain again.

Jimin tried to make you calm but you both heard a familiar voice behind you. " Hey! You are Park Jimin, right?" You turned to see the person as your eyes widened. It's non other Jeon Jungkook himself, standing there grinning widely. Oh you are screwed!

A/n: I forgot to mention about Yujin's dress.

The dress is like this

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The dress is like this. Couldn't find better one in Pinterest 😭

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