C H A P T E R : 10

197 16 2

"I'm so fucking tired of you." Jungkook murmured, wrapping his hand around your waist tightly as he carried you to his couch. He placed you on the couch while you stayed unconscious. He dropped himself beside you as he sighed.

One thing he realised you are not heavy like a guy. You were so light compared to other guys your age. He then turned his attention to you and stared at you. You were unconscious more like sleeping peacefully as he stared at you.

He didn't know when he got closer to you and gazed at your sleeping face. His heart skipped a beat when he saw your face. He gulped as his hand travelled to your face and caressed your cheek. Suddenly he remembered your feminine look from that night. You were so beautiful that he couldn't take his off from you. His heart beats
when he remembers you in that red dress, looking so magnificent.

His hand travelled to your lips as he touched your lower lip with his thumb. He gulped as he got dangerously closer to your face. You were sleeping peacefully, looking beautiful like an angel. He slowly closed his eyes as he leaned to your face.


Jungkook caressed his cheek where he just slapped himself. "What the fuck?!? Jeon Jungkook, you are not gay!" He said to himself and made some distance between you and him. "I'm going insane!" He mumbled but the thought of you in that pretty red dress came to his mind again. He can't get you out of his mind. He then remembered the incident that happened this morning. You were buying a pad.... and was really in a hurry. Maybe he was buying that thing for his girlfriend... He thought and laughed a little. You? And girlfriend? He found it funny. He again looked at you as he laughed a little. You are just a silly guy with a short temper.

After half an hour you slowly opened your eyes and blinked few times to clear your vision. You looked here and there, sitting up and realised it's Jungkook's house. What the hell am I doing here?!?? You thought and got up. You immediately checked your back if there was any blood or not. You sighed in relief, seeing your back clear. You were about to leave but you stopped hearing his voice.

"Finally you woke up?" Jungkook asked as he made his way to you. You scoffed and looked away. "Drop that ego already. I literally carried you while unconscious and you behave like this?" He said as you nodded feeling irritate. "Okay okay.. just thank you!" You waved your hand infront of him as he scoffed. "You little.... Anyways! I'm throwing a party on Saturday night and you are invited!!" He said as your eyes went wide. "Really?!? Oh my God I'm so excited!" You said in excitement and clapped your hand. "Haha! Don't be so happy. You are gonna serve my friends drinks and snacks!" He said while laughing in sarcasm as you stopped smiling. "What the fuck? I'm not gonna do that! ME SERVING YOUR FRIENDS REALLY?!?? ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY-" He slowly took out his phone and stared at you innocently.

"Okay. Okay! I'll do it!!" You groaned in annoyance as he laughed. "IT'S GONNA BE SO FUN!!"  He again said in sarcasm while laughing as you glared at him.

"I'll fucking kill Jungkook!" You mumbled while pouring the drinks in separate cup. You were at his kitchen preparing snacks for his friends while him and his friends were having fun at the living room.  "I can't do this anymore! I'll just tell Yoongi that I lost the ball. I can't just go around and do his house chores!" You said while pouring drink to another cup and chugged it all down.

You took out your phone and immediately texted your brother saying you are at the neighbour's house party. You then put your phone down and again drank a cup. The music was banging loudly as you bop your head with the rhythm of the music. It's a song of your favourite singer Kim Namjoon. You smiled remembering the upcoming fansign meeting of him which you were going to attend.

You were done preparing the snacks when you felt a hand around your waist. You jumped in shock and looked around, only to see one of Jungkook's friend. "Hey there lil boy... having fun?" He asked caging you to the kitchen island. "Can you please let me go?" You said and stared at him with your annoyed expression. Apparently this specific friend of Jungkook's kept staring at you from the time he stepped into the party.

"I'm sorry..but you look so beautiful and I really want to have you." He said while staring with his perverted eyes. " Excuse me what the actual fuck?" You raised your voice but gasped when he pulled you by your waist. " You are so cute when you are angry. I really want to fuck you right now." He said as your eyes went wide. You felt your anger raising inside you. You pushed the guy and punched him on his face. He fell down to the ground while groaning in pain.

You stared at him while fuming in anger as Jungkook and his friends stepped into the kitchen. He looked at his friend then to you. " What did you do now Joon?" He asked as he stepped infront of you. " Well your so fucking friend touched me more like sexually harassed me!" You said raising your voice. " No Jungkook! He is literally lying! I came here to have a drink but he literally pushed me and said he wants to fuck me.!" You glared at his friend who literally spoke a complete lie.

"What- are you fucking kidding me?!? I'll kill you!" You were about to throw a punch at his friend again but Jungkook stopped you and pulled you by grabbing your collar. Everyone gasped at the scene while you stared at Jungkook who was really fuming in anger. "Stop it Joon! You already have caused a big mess to me. Now stop lying and apologies to him. " He said as you scoffed. "Do you really think I'll apologies to him when he literally touched me??!" You yelled as he grabbed your collar more tightly. "Joon apologies or-"

Jungkook suddenly fell to the ground while grabbing his jaw as he looked up. His friends all gasped as he looked up. Another guy, completely looking like you while heaving up in anger. He stared at you then to the another guy. The two of literally looked alike. Like you guys were twins. "How fucking dare you to touch my sister like that?!?" The guy said as Jungkook's eyes went wide. WAIT SISTER?!?!

You stared at your brother in complete shock. You stopped your brother who was about to punch Jungkook again. "Stop it Yoongi! It's enough!" You yelled as you stopped him while grabbing his arm. He stopped as he fixed his suit. "Let's get out of here Yujin." Yoongi said and grabbed your wrist. You looked behind you as you saw Jungkook staring at you with his wide eyes.
You looked away as you and your brother left his place. Jungkook sat still on ground while processing all these things just happened here.

"Are you okay Jungkook?" The guy who got hit by you asked slowly while placing his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook flinched as he pushed his hand away. "Just keep your dirty hands off of me." Jungkook glared at him as the guy gulped in horror. "You guy's....just leave...." Jungkook sighed as everyone nodded and slowly started leave. Jungkook sat there, still processing the things happened.


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