C H A P T E R : 3

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"what?!? He really did that???" Your best friend Jimin said while laughing. "Park fucking Jimin, I didn't called you to make of me." You glared at him as he tried to sushed himself but broke in to laugh somehow. "You! Get out! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" You screamed as he got silent while laughing silently.

"Do something Jimin! Please help me!" You said as you faked a cry. Jimin just rolled his eyes as he wrapped his hand around your shoulder. "In this situation I don't think I can do anything. You just go with flow and just listen to his orders. If you ignore his orders then it's gonna be your loss." He said staring at you as you nodded.

"Oh c'mon, you need to be chill. You didn't told your real identity, then it's all good." He said as you again nodded. "You wanna eat something?" You asked making his eyes widened. "Yes yes fried chicken!" He said as you smiled. "Then order them also for me." You pointed at his phone with a smile as he groaned. "Why are you like this?" He asked quitely as you shrugged. After all you are a broke millionaire.

"Okay then I'm going. See you tomorrow." He said, standing infront of your door as he gave you side hug. You nodded with a smile. That time the guy who you are starting to hate so much came out of nowhere. "Lil boy...I was about to call you." Jungkook said with a sarcastic smile as you rolled your eyes. Jungkook came near to you as he noticed Jimin. His eyes travelled to Jimin's hand which was wrapped around your shoulder then to his smiling face staring back at him.

"Joon come you have so much work to do!" Jungkook said as he pulled you by wrist which caught you off-guard. He then wrapped his right arm around your shoulder as you glared at him. "I'm not your fucking slave Jeon." You replied as he just gave you a annoying smile which you hate the most. "I guess You already have forgot about our deal? Do i have to remind you again?." He asked innocently making you tensed but you hide it. "No need bro." You said as just rolled his eyes.

Jimin watched you two bickering as he cleared his throat to got your attention. "You must be Jeon Jungkook right? I'm her- I mean.. I'm his friend Park Jimin." He said extending his hand. Jungkook stared at him for some minutes before extending his hand also to shake. "It's.. It's great to see you. I'm shocked that you are friends with him. I thought our Joon is lonely bitch." Jungkook said with a laugh making Jimin's eyes widened.

"Why did you hit me?!?" Jungkook screeched while rubbing his arm, where you hit him. "What made you think that I'm a lonely bitch?!? Then you are what? A fucking dog?!?" You yelled at him as he backed away a little listening to your piercing voice.
"Joon..I have to go. I'll meet you tomorrow." Jimin said gaining your attention as you smiled. "Okay then see you tomorrow!" You said as you saw him left.

"Now now you come with me." Jungkook pulled you by your wrist to his place and closed the door behind him. You went inside his appartment and saw the surrounding in mess. There were big boxes placed in everywhere. "Now what i have to do?" You asked as you sat down on his couch. Jungkook's eyes got widened as he hurriedly came to you. "Get up! Who told you to sit?!" Jungkook screeched again as you looked at him with a glare. "woh woh woh! I know i caused you a little mess but that doesn't mean i can't sit on your sofa!" You said as he looked at you.

"Well I can't trust you. Everything in my house are expensive. You have already caused big mess. You know how much did i had to pay? 500 dollars!" He said glaring at you while your eyes got widened. "Well I'm sorry. Now what i have to do?" You shrugged your shoulder while he just stared at you with a scowl in his face.

"You have to organize my clothes, the kitchen supplies and equipment and also my room." He said. "That's too much work!" You said as he just shrugged. "You know i don't have a single energy to argue with you. I have so many things to do! Now go and do the work and one thing...be careful with my things." He said as he went to his other room. You stood there as you mocked his face. "What a bitch." You mumbled.

It's been 3 hours you have been organising the house. You have already done with the kitchen and washroom. Only left his room. You were organising his clothes as you found a bunch of Calvin Klein underwear in different colours. You picked up one as you stared at it disgustingly. "Hey God, I pray you to give me enough energy to bear with this bitch." You said as you faked a cry.

At that time your phone buzzed in your pocket. You took out your phone from your pocket as you saw your brother has texted you.

Yoongi boongi😾:
Yujin where are you?
I'm already home.

Your eyes widened as you checked the time. 11.30 pm. Shit it's too late!

I'm coming! Wait!

You got up from the group as you went out of his room. You were finding Jungkook but couldn't find him. After searching all over his rooms, you founded him sleeping on his couch like a baby in the living room. You felt your anger suddenly getting increased. "This bitch-" You mumbled but didn't said anything. You took a last glance at him as you left his place.

You went to your place as you saw your brother relaxing on the couch. "I'm sorry. I was at the new neighbour's place." You said as you sat down beside him. He looked at you and saw you smiling. "New neighbour? She or he?" He asked while scrolling through his phone as you got tensed. "He. Don't worry he is a good friend of mine." You said as he nodded silently and didn't said anything. You let out sigh which got unnoticed by him. Good friend my ass.

"Well i bought some dinner for us. Let's eat together." He said as he got up from his seat and handed you the food. "Brother why don't you take a shower? You will feel relaxed. Then we will eat together." You said looking up at him as he nodded. You flashed him as he also smiled. Your and your brother's face literally match with eachother. He patted your head and went to his room.

"Hmmm! So good!" You said while munching on your food like a beast who haven't eat for years! "Slow down Yujin..will you? It's all yours all right?" Yoongi said as he wiped the corner of your lips. You just flashed your boyish smile to him as he just laughed a little. "Well i can't control myself when it comes to food!" You said as he nodded while laughing.

"Yujin I'm thinking about raising your allowance." He said as you gave double thumbs up to him while eating. He just stared at you while you eat. He didn't miss a little gestures of your while you eat. He just loves and adores you so much. He can't imagine a single day without you. You mean the world to him. "Eat well my little sister Yujin-ie.." He said as you nodded and munched on your food. He felt great full to have you as his little sister.

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