C H A P T E R : 8

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Jimin tried to make you calm but you both heard a familiar voice behind you. " Hey! You are Park Jimin, right?" You turned to see the person as your eyes widened. It's no other Jeon Jungkook himself, standing there grinning widely. Oh you are screwed!

"Park Jimin right?" Jungkook asked loudly through the music which was playing in the club loudly. You stared at him with wide eyes before turning away your face. You looked at Jimin and motioned him to walk away but you felt a presence behind you.

"Oh! Hey... Jungkook..." Jimin trailed off as you mentally slapped yourself. You felt like slapping both Jimin and Jungkook. You looked here and there as you stood still there unable to make any move. Jungkook's eyes finally travelled to you as he stared at your back. "I guess I'm not disturbing you Jimin, right?" Jungkook asked, scratching the back of his neck as Jimin shook his head. You widened your eyes as you immediately send draggers to Jimin. Jimin...I wonder how you got into medical school...

You thought as you looked down and finally turned to see the man whom you hated the most! A forced smile appeared in your face as you turned to see Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes immediately went wide when he finally got to see you. A red tint appeared in his face as his big doe eyes stared at your beautiful and perfect face. He gulped as he observed the beauty infront of himself.

A flirty smile appeared on his face as he leaned to your face closer. "Ah! What a beautiful lady I'm seeing right now...May I know your name..miss?" Jungkook asked with a flirty smile as he took your hand and kissed the back of it. You gasped as you felt your heartbeat increasing. You almost hated yourself for admitting the beautiful features of his face. He was really looking handsome and charming and you hate to admit it.

You tried to speak but nothing came as you laughed nervously. " Hah! Jungkook...I really forgot.. actually she is my girlfriend...Na Jieun." Jimin suddenly came from your behind as you grabbed the hand of Jungkook which was gripping your hand. Jimin wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you looking up at him. Why he is suddenly acting all protective?

"Ahh.. I'm sorry Jimin..Na Jieun..what a pretty name! Pretty name for a pretty lady!" Jungkook said staring at you as you laughed nervously. Pretty my ass..

Jimin also gave Jungkook a awkward laugh as he looked at you. "Jieun-shi...I feel like...I have met you somewhere..." Your eyes widened as Jungkook said and looked at Jimin whose fake smile went down. "she kinda look like your bestfriend.." Jungkook gritted his teeth while staring at Jimin. You clenched your knuckles as you were literally dying to give a punch on Jungkook's pretty face. "Hehe...I don't think so.." Jimin started to laugh awkwardly as he looked at you and you also started to laugh like that. You motioned Jimin to leave this place as soon as possible through your obvious stare as Jimin understood it.

"Okay.. Jungkook. It's getting late. We have to go. Since my girlfriend feeling kinda uncomfortable here..." Jimin said as he looked at you and you gave him a annoyed laugh of yours. Jungkook smirked as he went to Jimin's side and got closer to Jimin's ear as he whispered something. Jimin's face immediately went red as Jungkook nudged him while smirking. You stared at the both of them with a annoyed expression and Jimin finally saw your state. You both of them excused yourself from him and got out of the club immediately.

"I swear to God, I'll never ever listen to your problems!" You took off your wig as you walked in bare feet heading to the parking lot. Jimin who was behind you, holding your heels as he picked up the wig which you threw behind you. You walked angrily as Jimin came to your side and awkwardly laughed. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. It was only for one time!" Jimin said as you stopped and stared at him. "I really, really want to punch your face. I'm not even joking." You sent him a death glare as he gulped in nervousness.

"Joon, I didn't knew you can pull a female act. Wow... I'm impressed!" You both heard a familiar voice and looked infront of you as you saw Jungkook leaning on to the wall while puffing out of the smoke. You stared at him in wide eyes as Jimin did the same. Jungkook looked at your direction and gave you a mischievous smile.

He came closer to you as he towered over you. You glared at him as Jimin gripped your arm tightly, stopping you from taking any action. His eyes started scan your body as it landed on your chest. "Woah! Your boobies look so real!" He pointed at them and chuckled. Your eyes widened at his reaction as you felt your anger at the peak point. "What the fuck! You are a freaking pervert!" You stepped forward as Jimin grabbed you by your wrist, stopping you from causing any chaos. Well he could sense your anger was at it peak and at that moment you won't tolerate anything.

"Woah woah..calm down Joon! It's not like you are a female! And they look so real!" He stared at your chest as his hand started to get closer to your chest. " What did you put here to make it look so real?" His hand started to get more closer as you widened your eyes. STOP STOP STOP STOP!

Jungkook looked at his side as he saw Jimin grabbed his wrist and grinning nervously. You looked at Jimin as you sighed in relief. Thank you Jimin! I was so close to get assaulted by the Jeon freak! "They are fake Jungkook." Jimin said, staring at Jungkook as Jungkook raised his brows. He stared at Jimin before showing his smile.

Jungkook looked at you as you laughed nervously. "But why are you dressing like that anyway?" Jungkook asked staring at you. "Actually she- I mean he is pretending to be my girlfriend." Jimin said casually not to make this situation more awkward as you nodded in agreement.

" Now now! We are getting late! See you tomorrow Jungkook!" You said, cutting Jungkook as you grabbed Jimin's hand and started walking by Jungkook. Jungkook turned his head and saw you and Jimin rushing hurriedly. Jungkook's brows furrowed as he remembered your female form. You really looked so different earlier. You literally looked so much good than those other womens. His heartbeat literally beat so fast the moment he saw you. Your cat like eyes were shining under club light as he wanted to stare for more. Those perfectly shaped lips which were tinted in the crimson red, he wanted to kiss that pretty thing.

The beautiful cloth was perfectly hugging your body and the gummy smile of yours, he just wanted observe you for a long time. For a moment he fell in love with you. Jungkook blinked a few times as he finally got out of his things. "Jungkook what are you thinking!? He is literally a guy!" He said to himself and chuckled. But he couldn't get the female image out of his mind.

"Thank You Jimin! You really saved me from that bastard!" You said getting into the Jimin's car as he held a serious expression. "I wouldn't tolerate my friend getting gropped there, would I?" He said with a serious expression as you stared at him. You observed his facial expression while he took off his jacket and threw it at the backseat. "Yah! Since when did you started to care for me?" You said with a teasing smile but he just held a straight expression.

He turned his face to look at you smiling and teasing him. His heart skipped a bit as he stared at you. His heartbeat increased as he felt his cheeks heating up. Jimin...say it! It's the time! Say it! "Yujin...I want to say something..." Jimin stared at you as gulped. You looked at him in curious and waited for him to say. "Yujin... I...I..." He started to shutter as you blinked in confusion. "I what Jimin?" You asked again as felt sweat forming in his forehead.

"I...Yujin..." He trailed off as you waited for him. Say it Jimin! "Yujin...I... You look like a ghost right now." He pressed his lips as you stared at him. Yeah congratulations Jimin! You ruined it all! You blinked few times as you smacked him in his face. "The fuck Jimin! I hate you!" You yelled at him while he groaned in pain while cupping his face. "You didn't have to hit me like that!" Jimin yelled back while you closed your ear. "Whatever!" You yelled again, showing him your middle finger. "What-" He gasped as he straggled you by your neck. You hit him on his arm while laughed, straggling you. Yujin...I...Love you...

A/n: I changed the name from "Daeun" to "Yujin"🙏🏻

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