C H A P T E R : 13

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"Mom! I told you not to buy those for me!" You stared at the piece of cloth, almost cringing to yourself while imagining yourself in the cloth. "but it really looked beautiful! I just couldn't resist myself to buy these skirts!" Your mom scanned the floral skirts which she bought them at Japan. You stared at the skirts and shook your head. You really don't like those girly fashion. But your mom also didn't give up on you. Whenever she go abroad, she would buy you dresses for you to wear. You literally have like stack of clothes like those but you don't like to wear them. They were never considered as your liking. You prefer more comfy clothes like baggy jeans or oversized t-shirt. Your clothes are almost oversized and your mom really hate those clothes. Sometimes she would scold you to stop wearing those clothes and wear those dresses which your mom bought for you but you literally said you will never ever try them.

But you somehow ended up wearing that red dress because of Jimin. "Why are you forcing her if she don't like those? Let her wear whatever she wants as long as she is comfortable with." Your dad interrupted as he looked at your direction. "Yeah, I'm on dad's side. Let her wear whatever she wants." Yoongi also said as he continued to work on his laptop. Your mom narrowed her eyes and shook her head. " You three, do whatever you want! Never listen to me!" Your mom shook her head while your dad chuckled. You giggled as you dropped yourself beside your mom and hugged her. You kissed her cheek while she tried to look away. "You look cute when you sulk, mama." You smiled cutely as she looked at your direction. "You are really pulling that 'mama' act?" Your mom narrowed her eyes as you blinked while smiling mischievously. Yoongi stared at you as he chuckled while holding a loving gaze on you and same goes to your father. "You sneaky girl!" Your mom started to tickle your belly as you laughed loudly. Your brother and father laughed joining the both of you.

Although you are literally 25 year's old, but you get treated like a 5 year's old. The love for you by your family was unconditional. They never let you feel left out. You always got treated as a baby by your parents and your brother.

Your parents just returned from Japan after a month because of some business meetings. Your mother really wanted to meet the both of you as she was missing her loving children's. Your parents gave you the same amount of love to the both of you. The both you were lucky to have them.

You heard the bell ringing as you stopped laughing and went to the door to open. You opened the door as you saw Jimin, smiling brightly. "Took you long enough to come!" You slapped his arm slightly as he shook his head. "I was buying a gift for uncle and aunty!" He whined while staring at you. "Jimin-ah! My son!" Your mom came as she hugged her lovingly. He hugged back her as they both broke the hug after some moment. "God! After so many days, I met you finally! How are you my?" Your mom asked as she pulled him to her side and the both of them sat down on the couch."I'm doing fine, Aunty. I hope you had a great trip. Here is a small gift." He handed over to your mom and she smiled widely. " You didn't have to Jimin-ah!" She said and piched his cheek lovingly.

Jimin laughed a little as he nodded. "How's your studies going by the way?" Your father asked as he stopped reading the magazine and looked at Jimin. "It's going well Uncle." He replied as your father nodded. "And how's my buddy doing?" He asked refering to Jimin's dad. "Dad also doing well. Just a lil bit busy at Hospital construction." He replied as your father nodded again. Well Jimin's father is really a good doctor in the country. He had several clinics and hospitals under his name in the country. Jimin also wanted to be a doctor and wanted to support his father. So he studied medicals.

"Jimin-ah, you've gotten so much handsome. You have a girlfriend Jimin?" Your mom stared at Jimin as he blushed. "No, aunty. I don't." He replied while staring at the ground in embarrassment. "still you can get a girl easily. I'm really so worried for Yujin. I don't know if she will be able to marry in future." You looked at your mother disbelief as you scoffed. "First I'm not interested in marriage and second if I won't be able to get a guy, I'll just marry Jimin." You said as you winked at him. Jimin's eyes went wide as his blush even got more red. "There are literally handsome guys other Jimin and also they will even agree to marry Our Yujin." Your brother said with his usual not so interested voice as Jimin looked at his direction. "Yoongi hyung, you are telling me I'm not handsome?" Jimin asked. "Handsome my ass." "Yoongi! Language!" You laughed hearing your mother's reply to your brother. Yoongi just shrugged and closed his laptop. "Well well let's eat our dinner, shall we?" Your father said as everyone nodded. The four of you planned to eat dinner together because it had been a long time since you had dinner with your family. but your mom insisted to invite Jimin since he lives alone here, in Seoul. Your mom served the dinner as everyone settled to eat dinner which was made by your mom.

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