C H A P T E R : 14

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He had never seen your this side. He always seen you in furious, loud and fierce. But seeing you today like this making Jimin feel uneasy. He didn't want to make any mistake. He didn't want to do anything to you.

You sat on his lap while slowly unbuttoning your shirt teasingly. He kept staring at your movement as he got a glimpse of your cleavage. He immediately looked away as you drunkly giggled. "What? Are you shy?" You asked stopping in midway as he looked at you. You smiled in your drunk state, pushing your hair backwards which was falling on your eyes. Jimin's breath got caught in his throat as he stared at you. Hair was pushed back, shirt was almost opened, lips were looking plumpy and pink as your eyes were full of lust. Jimin cursed in his breath as he suddenly got up while you were in his lap. You yelped as you wrapped your legs around his waist. You kept staring at him as he carried you to his room. He dropped you on his bed and hovered over you. You kept staring at him while he immediately took off his shirt. He came back to you again and kissed you while grabbing your thighs and caressing it. His lips went to your neck, leaving your lips as you sighed in pleasure. You were totally wasted at that moment. All you could think about pleasure. You literally didn't think about it that much as the both of you kept going. A sweet moan escaped from your pretty lips as Jimin came back to and kissed you again in your lips. Both of you knew, you were gonna regret later but didn't stop.

Hands were wrapped around his neck as you did your face into his neck while whimpering in pleasure. Jimin's mouth was agape, breathing heavily against your neck as he kept his tight grip around your bare waist while you rode him. "Fuck... Yujin... feel so good.." He moaned as you hugged him tightly, feeling him inside you. "Look at me.." He said as you slowly looked at him in your hooded eyes. He kissed you immediately as you felt him increasing his pace. You moaned in between the kiss but broke it after some moment feeling yourself getting closer. You arched your back as you moaned while Jimin kept going faster. "Jimin... I'm gonna..." You stopped midway when you felt his lips on your chest, placing soft kisses on your breasts. You felt tears forming in your eyes as your mouth went agape. Jimin growled against your chest as he dropped on the bed and kept going faster. You looked at him while he fastened his pace. He stared at your pleading face while feeling himself getting closer. After some more thrust the both of you reached your high as he dropped himself on you while moaning. You breathed heavily, trying to catch your breath, feeling yourself getting tired. You slowly closed your eyes and drifted to sleep. Jimin looked at you as he watched you already sleeping. He rolled to the side as he stared at the ceiling. He kept staring at the ceiling while breathing heavily and thinking about just things that happened. He slowly looked at you as got closer to you. He placed his hand on your face and caressed it gently. He kept staring at you until he felt himself getting sleepy as he wrapped the both of you in a duvet and drifted to sleep.

You opened your eyes slowly, feeling someone's hand around your waist, holding you tightly. He blinked confusingly as he realised your face was literally on someone's chest. Your eyes went wide as you looked up slowly. You gasped when you realised it was none other than Jimin, sleeping peacefully while hugging you. You placed your hand on your mouth as you looked here and there. You felt a stinging pain in between your legs as you winced a little. You also realised neither of you had clothes on.

Then you realised. Both of you had.... Sex. You immediately tried to pull yourself away from Jimin but he hugged you tightly. You stared at him as he kept sleeping. "Stay.." He muttered wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to his chest. You kept silent, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. You suddenly remembered the things happened at night vividly. You felt your heart beating faster as it was your first time too. You don't know if it was Jimin's first time or not. You felt the stinging pain in between your legs as you closer your eyes. Maybe you were too drunk to feel the pain previous night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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