Chapter 6

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The new bed set is the first thing I pull out of the bags, and I can't help but smile at the sight of it. It's a delicate blend of soft blues and grays, interwoven in a subtle floral pattern. Touching the fabric, I feel the soft, calming texture, and I'm filled with a sense of warmth. It's a little piece of serenity I've chosen for myself.

I spend the next few minutes spreading the sheets and comforter, the bed slowly taking shape under my hands. Once the comforter is smoothed out, I step back to admire the result. It's simple, but it's mine, and it's beautiful.

Next, I move on to the few boxes and bags scattered around the room. I don't have much with me, not yet anyway. Lyle still has most of my belongings, and the thought makes me grit my teeth. But I push the frustration away and focus on what I do have.

A couple of treasured books that were in my car find their place on the shelf. They look lonely, but they're a start. I have hundreds of books on the shelves in my old apartment. The few clothes I had at Valarie's, along with a few pieces I picked up this morning, are hung up in the closet. It's almost comically empty, the hangers spaced far apart.

With a sigh, I head back out to my car, retrieving the last few items I brought with me. Some comfy pillows and a basic laundry basket. Back in my room, I finish making the bed, arranging the pillows just so, and then take out the old laptop Valarie lent me. It's not much, but it'll do until I sort things out with Lyle.

Then there's the bag with the new underwear and a few new bras, a small but necessary indulgence. It's funny how such simple things can feel like a luxury when you've been without. I place them all in the laundry basket, wanting to wash them before wearing. They're soft and pretty, and I feel a twinge of normalcy returning.

Lastly, I find a framed photo of Valarie and me, smiling and carefree. I pick it up, and it's comforting in my hand. It was taken back in our college days. We're both twenty-seven now, but somehow, we look the same as we did at twenty-one. I guess it really wasn't that long ago, even if it feels like a lifetime.

Our differences have always been apparent, yet they've never come between us. Valarie's hair, a fiery shade of red, contrasts with my own brown waves. Her thin, elegant form is a stark difference to my curvier, more voluptuous figure. Her skin, pale and porcelain-like, is the opposite of my naturally warm tone.

I study the image, smiling at our differences, never seeing them as flaws or advantages but rather as pieces of our individuality. We're like two sides of a coin, utterly different yet perfectly complementary.

A moment captured in time, filled with love and friendship. I place the photo on the desk beside the laptop, and it feels like a piece of my old life settling into my new one.

I step back, surveying the room. It's not much, and it's not filled with memories or personal touches yet, but it's a start. A fresh beginning in a new place with new people. I feel a sense of contentment wash over me.

This is my space, my sanctuary, and I know I'm on the path to healing, rebuilding, and discovering who I am without Lyle.

I glance over at the laundry basket, filled with the new bras and panties I just bought, and hesitate. Can I do my laundry right now? I'm not on the chore list yet, and I don't want to impose or use up someone else's time in the washer. It's such a small thing, but the last thing I want is to step on toes on my very first day. Better to ask Fowler when he's up from his nap. It's a fresh start, and I want to get things right.

In the meantime, I rummage through my things and find a granola bar I'd brought with me. I unwrap it and take a bite, leaning against the freshly made bed, my mind drifting to what comes next.

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