Chapter 38

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I shuffle into the kitchen, still rubbing the sleep from my eyes. The first thing on my mind is coffee. It's my morning lifesaver. I head to the coffee maker and start the brewing process. While it gurgles and steams, I look around the kitchen, and my eyes land on the potted plants above the sink.

I've been trying to bring these plants back to life for weeks. And today, they look different—better. The leaves are so green, almost glowing. "You guys are finally happy, huh?" I murmur to them as if they can hear me. A small smile tugs at my lips.

The coffee maker beeps, pulling me back from my plant admiration. I pour the dark liquid into my favorite mug—the one with a cheesy quote about love—and take a sip. Ah, just the way I like it, strong with a hint of sugar.

I glance at the clock. It's time to eat something before my mid-morning shift at the bakery. I pop a bagel into the toaster and wait. My mind starts to drift. What will today bring? Another day of baking, of course, but what else? Will it be a good day or just another one to get through?

This weekend was amazing. Val stayed over the whole weekend, one of her rare weekends off of work. I hated to see her leave yesterday. It's quiet this morning. The kind of quiet that usually brings me a sense of calm, of comfort, but this morning I feel lonely. I guess I'm finally falling from the high that was this weekend.

The toaster pops, breaking my train of thought. I spread some cream cheese on the bagel and eat quickly. It's good, but nothing compared to the pastries I make at the bakery.

Once I'm done eating, I head to my room to get dressed. After a quick scan of my closet, I pick out a simple pair of jeans and a comfy t-shirt. I know I'll be covered in flour and sugar by the end of the day, so no point in dressing up. I pull my wavy brown hair into a loose ponytail, slide into some comfortable sneakers, and I'm ready.

Before I leave, I take one last sip of my coffee and give a final glance at my thriving plants. "See you guys later," I say, as if they're old friends I'm leaving behind for the day.

With that, I grab my keys, lock the door behind me, and head to the bakery.


I push open the door to the bakery, and the familiar scent of fresh bread and sweets fills the air. Carol, my boss, is already busy behind the counter. She gives me a warm smile as I walk in.

"Morning, Emersyn," she says.

"Good morning, Carol," I reply, tying on my apron. I can't help but notice her wrist, wrapped in a bandage but clearly getting better. That wrist is the reason I have this job. Carol needed help after she fractured it, and I was available. But now that she's healing, will she still need me?

I shake off the thought and get to work. Mondays are always hectic, and the morning rush is usually insane. Oddly enough, Carol has me on the mid-morning shift today. I find that strange since mornings are our busiest times. "Is Carol outgrowing her need of me?" I think.

As I knead the dough for the day's batch of croissants, my mind starts to wander. Carol's wrist is healing well; what does that mean for me? I was hired as a temporary fix, a helping hand while she recovered. "What happens when she doesn't need that helping hand anymore?" I worry.

My mind drifts to the other jobs I applied for before landing this one. I never heard back from any of them. Should I keep applying? Is this bakery job a long-term thing, or am I just filling a gap? I can't help but feel like I'm at a crossroads, unsure of which way to go.

"Emersyn, can you please put these in the oven?" Carol's voice jolts me out of my thoughts. She's holding a tray of cinnamon rolls, ready to be baked.

"Sure, Carol," I say, sliding the tray into the oven. I set the timer and take a deep breath. No matter what happens, I'm grateful for this job, for the skills I've learned, and for Carol. She gave me a chance when I really needed it.

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