Chapter 15

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I can't help but grin as I slide behind the wheel of my car, the scent of freshly baked bread still lingering in my nostrils. The interview went better than I ever could have imagined. Carol, the bakery owner, greeted me with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eye, putting me at ease almost instantly.

I barely had time to take a seat before Carol began to tell me about the bakery, her passion for baking evident in every word. She didn't even glance at the portfolio I had painstakingly prepared. Instead, she looked at me, her eyes probing, and simply said, "I can tell you're a good baker. I can feel it in my bones."

Her confidence in me was both startling and heartening, and I found myself talking freely about my love for baking, my experiments in the kitchen, and my hopes for the future. By the time I left, I had a job offer in hand, and a new sense of purpose and excitement.

The drive home is a joyous one, filled with thoughts of new beginnings and possibilities. The world seems brighter, filled with promise, and I can't wait to share the news with Valarie and the guys.

When I pull up to the house, I'm surprised to see a mechanic's van parked in the driveway. Is he here to fix the washer? I frown, wondering why Cruz didn't fix the washer himself, but then I remember he's been swamped with work lately. Maybe he decided to call in a professional to get it done faster.

I hurry inside, eager to toss in a load of laundry and celebrate my new job. The mechanic greets me as I walk in, wiping his hands on a rag.

"Hi there, ma'am. Just finishing up with the washer. A guy let me in earlier, but he left," he says, nodding towards the laundry room.

"Thank you," I reply, grateful that it's fixed. The dirty laundry has started piling up.

The mechanic packs up his tools, and I sign off on the work order. He smiles and tips his hat, heading out to his van.

Once he's gone, I walk over to the washer, relieved to see it back in working order. I throw in a load of laundry and take a moment to breathe, my mind still spinning from the whirlwind of the day.

With a contented sigh, I head to my room, feeling a connection to the world around me that I haven't felt in ages. The worries and fears that have been clouding my mind seem to have lifted, replaced by hope and determination.

The thought of working in the bakery, of being part of something I love, fills me with a sense of purpose and excitement. I change out of my interview clothes, replacing them with a pair of joggers and a cropped tank. My energy is on high, and I'm going to take advantage of it.

The house, usually kept tidy enough by the guys and me, suddenly feels like it could use a bit more sparkle. With my energy on high, I pull out the vacuum cleaner and start with the living room.

The hum of the vacuum cleaner is almost meditative, and I find myself lost in thought as I work my way across the plush carpet and hardwood.

I switch out the first load of laundry, deciding on a whim to wash all the guys' clothes too. After all, I'm feeling generous and invigorated, and it's the least I can do. They're working so much, while I on the other hand have just been lounging around the house.

From the living room, I move on to the kitchen, scrubbing down countertops and polishing appliances until they shine like new. I even tackle the inside of the fridge, organizing the contents and wiping down the shelves.

The bathrooms are next, and I spare no effort in making them sparkle. I scrub the tiles, polish the mirrors, and even add a fresh bouquet of flowers to brighten up the space.

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