Chapter 44 🌶️

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Locke is in the kitchen when Cruz and I walk through the front door. My legs are still weak, barely carrying me after the night's events. The familiar smells of Locke's cooking fills the air.

Locke glances up from where he's chopping vegetables, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Hey, you two," he greets us, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Out for a late-night ride?"

I feel the heat in my cheeks as I blush, still buzzing from the intensity of the evening. I glance at Cruz, who is already walking over to kiss Locke.

"You're home earlier than you said you'd be," Cruz comments after breaking their kiss. "If I knew you were going to be home, we would have waited for you to go with us."

"Yeah, a few clients bailed, so I was able to leave early," Locke replies, continuing to cut vegetables. "I'm in the middle of fixing dinner. Should be ready in about twenty minutes."

"Perfect timing," Cruz responds, a slight smirk on his face. "Just enough time for me and Em to jump in the shower." He turns to Locke with a playful glint in his eye. "You want to join?"

Locke laughs, shaking his head. "No, I just took one before starting dinner. You two go ahead. You smell like a whore-house," he teases, winking at us.

Cruz's laughter fills the room, warm and hearty. "If you joined us, you'd see why we smell like that," he retorts, the humor evident in his voice.

Now Locke joins in the laughter. "Maybe we can save that for dessert," he suggests, his tone light and teasing.

I stand there, caught in the middle of their banter, a smile tugging at my lips.

As Cruz leads me away toward the shower in my room, I can't help but reflect on the complexity of our relationships. There's an undercurrent of something deeper, a connection that binds us all together in a way that's hard to define. It's more than just attraction; it's a shared understanding, a mutual respect, and a kind of love that doesn't fit into any conventional box.

In the shower, the water cascades over us, washing away the remnants of the night. Cruz's touch is gentle, caring, his hands roaming over my skin in a way that's both comforting and exhilarating. I lean into him, letting the water and his touch run down my body.

We're silent in the shower, each lost in our thoughts, yet connected. There's a peace in this silence, a sense of contentment that I've never found anywhere else.

As we dry off and get dressed, I can't help but think about Locke's words, his offer of 'dessert'.

I always worry about being a third to their relationship. Not someone on the inside, but someone sitting on the outside, never equal.

But when I am actually with the two of them, it doesn't feel that way. Or when I'm with all of them.

There are boundaries, of course. We are all still figuring those out. But there is still an openness to this relationship, an understanding that is never quite spoken.

We head back to the kitchen, where the aroma of Locke's cooking welcomes us. The atmosphere is light, a stark contrast to the intensity of our earlier escapade. As we sit down to eat, I look around at these men who have become so much more than just housemates to me. They're my family, my confidants, my lovers.

We finish dinner and Locke and Cruz both look at me.

"So, Em," Cruz starts. "You feeling up for dessert?" His tone is already thick with lust. It sends a warmth through me.

I do a mental checklist. My body hurts slightly, but not enough for me to deny this invitation.

"I could eat," I say softly, playfully.

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