Chapter 60 🌶️

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On Christmas morning, the air in the living room is warm and filled with the scent of pine and cinnamon. I'm sitting cross-legged on the plush rug, watching as Fowler, with his Santa hat jauntily perched on his head, distributes gifts with a broad grin. Valarie, Marx, Locke, Cruz, and I circle the glittering tree while Sabel bounds excitedly around.

"Alright, folks! Let's see what Santa brought!" Fowler announces, his voice filled with a playful, manic energy.

He hands the first present to Valarie, a neatly wrapped box with a bow. "From Cruz," he says, winking. Valarie's eyes light up as she unwraps a sleek, professional yoga mat along with a set of accessories. "Oh, Cruz! How did you know I needed a new one?"

Cruz, leaning against the wall with a soft smile, replies, "I noticed your old one was getting a bit worn. Plus, I heard you mumbling about wanting straps and blocks for those new poses you're trying."

Valarie jumps up and hugs him, saying, "It's perfect! Thank you!"

Next, Fowler hands Marx a heavy box with a rustic bow. "From Locke," he announces. Marx opens it to reveal a set of sophisticated whiskey glasses. Marx grunts a thank you, his eyes softening with appreciation.

"Your turn, Locke!" Fowler says, handing over a colorful package. Locke rips it open to find a collection of the latest club music and VIP passes to a popular club, courtesy of Valarie. "V, you're the best! You know how I love my beats and crowds!" Locke exclaims, pulling Valarie into an impromptu dance.

Fowler then hands a slender, long box to Cruz. "This one's from Marx."

Inside, Cruz finds a set of quality tools, each piece gleaming. "For all those projects you've got lined up," Marx says with a nod.

Cruz's face breaks into a wide grin. "This is exactly what I needed, man. Thank you!"

Finally, Fowler hands me a stack of presents. "From all of us," he says.

I open them to fine a high-quality baking set, cheesy romance novels, a coconut and lime bath set, and a breakfast recipe book. "You guys... this is too much!" I exclaim, my voice thick with emotion.

I look at each of them, my heart full. "This is everything I love. Thank you, everyone. This means the world to me."

Fowler, still in his role as Santa, turns to Valarie next, handing her a smaller, delicately wrapped box. "This one's from Emmie."

Valarie opens it to reveal a handcrafted candle. Valarie inhales the sweet scent and beams. "I'll definitely enjoy this! Thank you, Emmie!"

Then, Marx receives another gift, this one from Valarie. It's a book on dark humor, which draws a rare chuckle from the stoic man.

"Knew you'd appreciate some new material," Valarie teases.

Marx nods his thanks, a small smile playing on his lips.

Locke, still buzzing from his earlier gift, receives a package from Cruz. Inside is a set of concert tickets.

"I guess that's more of a gift for both of us," Cruz says with a chuckle.

Cruz is handed another gift, this one from Fowler. As he unwraps it, a cookbook specializing in innovative cooking falls into his lap. Cruz thumbs through the pages, already absorbed in the possibilities.

The room is filled with the rustling of paper, laughter, and heartfelt thanks as we continue exchanging gifts. By the end, everyone is surrounded by an assortment of items, each carefully chosen to suit the recipient. The atmosphere is warm and comfortable, the room glowing with happiness.

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