Chapter 45

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Lunch with Valarie at our favorite cafe always had a way of grounding me, but today my thoughts are adrift, replaying the vivid memories of Locke and Cruz. The bustling sounds of the cafe fade into the background as I'm lost in thought.

Valarie's voice pulls me back. "So, how's Fowler doing? Haven't heard much about him lately."

I stir my salad absentmindedly. "He's been swamped at the hospital. Long shifts. But he's holding up well," I reply.

Valarie nods, sipping her iced tea. "Sounds about right. This time of the year is always the busiest. The colder it gets, the sicker everyone is."

"Fowler should be home tonight. Why don't you come over for a movie night? Maybe a sleepover? It's been ages since we all hung out."

Valarie's face instantly brightens, a spark of excitement in her eyes. "I'd love to! I'm off tomorrow, perfect timing." But then, her expression shifts, a familiar look crossing her features.

"Val," I say, trying to catch her gaze.

She avoids my eyes, fidgeting with her napkin. "Hmm?"

"Valarie, look at me." When she finally meets my eyes, there's no hiding it. "Oh my god, Val."

"What?!" Her voice pitches higher, a clear giveaway.

"You have a crush on Fowler!" I can't help the teasing tone in my voice.

"Do not!" she protests, her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

"You so do! You're blushing now, Val!" Her gaze darts around, anywhere but at me, and I'm curious about the thoughts behind those evasive eyes.

"Val, it's okay, you know?" I try to reassure her.

"That would be ridiculous. Having a crush on my best friend's boyfriend."

I lean in, serious now. "Val, look at me," I insist. Finally, her green eyes lock with mine. "Fowler isn't my boyfriend. Well, he is, but he also isn't. You know that's not how things are with him. Or any of the guys for that matter."

"Okay, yes, I have a crush on Fowler! Are you happy now?"

My smile widens. "Ecstatic."

"But I wouldn't do anything about it. I swear."

"And why not?" I probe gently.

"Because he's with you."

I shake my head, smiling. "But Val, again, you know our situation is different," I remind her. "Unless, does that bother you?"

She answers quickly, almost too quickly. "It doesn't."

"Then what is it?"

Valarie's expression turns thoughtful, a hint of worry clouding her green eyes. "I just don't want things to get weird, you know? I mean, Fowler's great, but it's complicated, isn't it?"

I nod, understanding her concerns. "It definitely is," I admit. "But not really at the same time. And you know how it is with us; it's not traditional, but it works."

She still looks uncertain, playing with the straw in her iced tea. "I guess I just don't want to step on any toes, especially yours. You're my best friend. My only friend."

I reach across the table, covering her hand with mine. "Val, your happiness matters to me. And if you like Fowler, it's okay. I want you to be happy, even if that means exploring something with him. And if you don't care that I am also with him, maybe we could explore things altogether."

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