Chapter 9

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I'm hunched over my laptop, scrolling through job listings and feeling a mix of frustration and hope. There's got to be something out there for me, something that feels right. I consider going out and applying for jobs in person, but the thought is intimidating. Am I ready to face rejection? To put myself out there?

Before I can dwell on it too much, a burst of laughter from the living room snaps me out of my thoughts. Curiosity piqued, I push my chair back and head towards the sound, wondering what the guys are up to.

As I enter the living room, I'm greeted by the sight of Fowler, Locke, and Cruz gathered around the big screen TV, controllers in hand, engrossed in some fast-paced video game.

"Hey Emmie!" Fowler calls out without taking his eyes off the screen. "Wanna join in? We're playing 'Battle Rush,' and I bet you'd be a natural!"

I laugh and shake my head, standing awkwardly in the doorway. "I've never really played video games, at least not as an adult. My brother and I used to play some when we were kids, but that's it."

"Come on, it's easy to pick up!" Cruz encourages, pausing the game. "We'll show you the ropes."

I can't help but be drawn to their enthusiasm, but I still decline. "Thanks, but no thanks. I've got some other stuff to do."

Locke turns to me, a teasing smile on his face. "You can't take a break from whatever you're doing? Sit down, watch us, have some fun."

I glance back at my room, thinking about the applications and my responsibilities, but their energy and excitement are infectious. "Alright, I'll sit and watch. But don't expect me to be much help."

"Deal!" Fowler agrees, making space for me on the couch.

I settle down, my eyes darting between the screen and the guys. They resume the game, their banter flowing naturally.

"How can you keep playing that character, Locke? He's so slow!" Cruz teases.

"He's strategic, unlike your rush-in-and-die approach!" Locke retorts, his eyes twinkling.

"I'll have you know, rushing in is a valid strategy!" Cruz shoots back.

Their playful arguing has me laughing, and I find myself more engrossed in the game than I thought I'd be. It's a nice distraction from my own worries.

But something's nagging at me, and I realize what it is. "Where's Marx?" I ask, looking around.

Fowler's expression shifts, and he shrugs. "Not sure. Probably in his room. That's where he is a lot of the time."

I frown, wondering why he isn't spending time with the rest of the guys. But the conversation quickly moves on, and I'm pulled back into the world of virtual battles and good-natured teasing.

I find myself glancing up at the loft every so often, though, wondering what Marx does up there all day.

Fowler is victorious in the current match, and he celebrates with a triumphant yell. "Victory is mine!"

Cruz snorts. "Yeah, well, you haven't won against me yet. Next round, buddy."

"Bring it on!" Fowler replies, his competitive spirit flaring.

I watch as they start another round, the characters dancing across the screen. They're good at this, moving with a confidence I can't quite comprehend.

Locke glances over at me, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "So, Em, are you sure you don't want to try?"

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